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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Not that I believe it will, but it's not unheard of for these things to fall through, let's be honest. Hence the anxiety.
  2. There has to be a reason they haven't announced it. If it was a done deal I'm sure they would have by now. Perhaps they're trying to agree a permanent signing on fee or clause. Do we know for certain he has travelled with the rest of the squad to Ireland?
  3. Be interesting to see the renewal take-up figures when they're out, and if there's been any slowing in real terms. I expect it's probably remained the same.
  4. £25m would probably do it imo, if we were to ever offer in that region. I think that would probably be a fair price.
  5. They get their info from the club. Obviously the club lies and we know that, but the Chronicle just report what they are told. Aye, they don't make clickbait articles at all...
  6. I'd still take it with a large pinch of salt. I don't think the Chron can be trusted particularly these days.
  7. Ryder reckons Chelsea want £30m for Kenedy. If that's true we won't be signing him.
  8. Someone needs to send this Jim Ratcliffe pictures of the bridges on twitter.
  9. NUFC_Chris

    New TV Deal

    Pleased BT have got another 20. Refuse to pay for Sky and get BT Sport free.
  10. They're national flags, all countries have them. They aren't racist symbols. All those racists attending the World Cup this summer, tut tut.
  11. £45m is an awful lot of money, but the problem with any sale is I don't believe Rafa would be given the entirety of those funds to re-invest. The decision has to be made solely by the manager, for football reasons and not financial ones. There can't be a repeat of the Andy Carroll situation where players are sold out from underneath the manager. Rafa won't stand for it and would walk instantly.
  12. I think it's pretty cool. Looks like a teamGB shirt or something though. Don't get the Union flag = EDL.
  13. Can't say I've seen enough of Adam Traore to form an opinion, but assume this would be instead of rather than as well as Kenedy!?
  14. NUFC_Chris


    "One of the greatest clubs in the world"; - sounds like he's having a piss take party all of his own.
  15. Shitting myself after reading that statement. Hopefully it is Pellegrini or someone, but wishful thinking?
  16. I know it's probably wrong of me, but I couldn't help but feel betrayed by Rafa if he did leave to West Ham. The Dildo Brothers are hardly any better than Ashley. Don't get me wrong, it would solely be on Ashley's head if he did leave, but to West Ham, would be difficult to stomach.
  17. I just think it's a shame for him. You can see from his post match interview that he's desperate to go. I think he deserves a call-up as a just reward for his performances this season. Other lesser players are being selected over him for reasons that are largely beyond his control. It will ultimately be England's loss.
  18. I thought the Everton owner had told Sam about a month ago he was definitely in charge for next season?
  19. NUFC_Chris


    Where are people getting these rumours re the squad?
  20. GetFrenchFootball are such wind-up merchants on twitter, I wouldn't put much credence into their nicely inserted paragraph on Areola joining him at any future club due lack of transfer funds. What bollocks.
  21. That Lyon kit reminds me of the England 82 shirt.
  22. Think this statement is designed to put pressure on Rafa to sign.
  23. Would've liked them to go through for Wenger, but those players don't deserve it.
  24. Crossing has been utter shite all night from Arsenal mind.
  25. Looked a nasty gash on his head. Ref should've stopped the game to get that checked tbh.
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