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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Interesting but why is it a good indicator though? Would Redfearn be a Rafa appointment? Isn’t it just the club replacing the gap caused by Beardsley’s departure? I might be missing something If Rafa is the driving force behind the restructure, which we're lead to believe he is, I'd assume he'd be central to any appointments. I'm just speculating of course.
  2. The restructure of the academy staff is hopefully a good indicator. Neil Redfearn the front runner according to the Chron.
  3. Tuttosport? Sounds like a wind up to me.
  4. No one knows anything man, never mind some bell end on twitter.
  5. He could pick them up for peanuts, which is all he has me thinks.
  6. NUFC_Chris

    Jacob Murphy

    Been getting a lot of stick by some, but I thought he was definitely one of our better players last night. Murphy, Longstaff and Scharr were the standouts for me, in what was a pretty poor performance.
  7. Aye, Riviere did eff all in his time here. At least, however limited he is, Joselu has contributed.
  8. We've been here before, this time last year, but it's difficult trying not to get your hopes up.
  9. Can't see anything happening before January, so there'll most likely be another window where the manager doesn't get what he requires to try and keep us in the league. If whoever it is is serious, they need to get a wriggle on.
  10. Really missed having Lejeune and Lascelles partnering each other thus far thus season imo. We’re leaking goals we’d otherwise have kept out. I don’t think we’ve seen the togetherness in the squad from last season either. Shelvey Lejeune and Lascelles were two linchpin’s that obviously due to injury we’ve missed. We really aren’t creating enough chances either. Time to get things right still but it is worrying.
  11. NUFC_Chris


    The constant digs at us are pretty feeble attempts to remain relevant.
  12. Probably 'cos they don't want to be banned by the club again.
  13. By the sounds of it I don't think he's going to be the main striker, that'll probably be Rondon if he comes. Think Muto will play like a number 10. Happy with the signing at least, if not somewhat underwhelmed.
  14. NUFC_Chris

    Fabian Schär

    Seems to be happening at least if harbinger of doom Mr Ryder seems to think he's inbound.
  15. NUFC_Chris

    Lee Charnley

    £115k is great for both parties. Ashley gets to spend less, Charley gets paid far more than he's worth as he's completely unqualified. Similar to Pardew, he'll not get another job like it. Also waived his bonus though, which is interesting. Just find it very odd for such a high profile position he's being pretty severely underpaid, compared to his counterparts. There has to be something else going on? His counterparts are qualified to do the job though. Not saying everything's definitely above board because I wouldn't have a clue either way, but my perception is just the above really. He's getting paid more than he'll get anywhere else and Ashley's paying less than he would if he had to employ someone that's qualified. Been around at the club since the days of Shepherd though, and has been MD since 2014, so you'd have to argue he'd have experience. Just seems really odd to me that's all. As you say, probably just a lackey with no real power and is paid as such...
  16. NUFC_Chris

    Lee Charnley

    £115k is great for both parties. Ashley gets to spend less, Charley gets paid far more than he's worth as he's completely unqualified. Similar to Pardew, he'll not get another job like it. Also waived his bonus though, which is interesting. Just find it very odd for such a high profile position he's being pretty severely underpaid, compared to his counterparts. There has to be something else going on?
  17. NUFC_Chris

    Lee Charnley

    Charnley surely has to be being paid by some other (dodgy) means? A salary of £115K when the average is £1M+ in the PL?
  18. NUFC_Chris

    Fabian Schär

    Know nothing about him. Presumably a straight replacement for Mbemba and signed as cover?
  19. Worn white socks at various points in our history, they're nothing new. I would've preferred black hoops or something though.
  20. Excellent, finally. So that's three signings in without hardly a penny being spent.
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