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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Why didn't he just shoot?! That was a big chance.
  2. I really hope we bring in a fullback who is comfortable on the ball because it will improve us a lot having a back four who are all good footballers.
  3. Zach

    The England Thread

    It was horrible to see us lose on penalties again but like has been said the bottom line is that we were second best.
  4. Zach

    The England Thread

    eh~~~ they would qualified as group winner if the Spain match ended 0-0 Oops, my mistake . I thought they would've went out on head to head.
  5. Zach

    The England Thread

    Italy only just scraped through their group thanks to a late Spain winner aswell, if were talking about luck.
  6. Zach

    Alan Smith

    Its not his fault he got offered such a massive contract. It would have been nice if he fucked off but I can't blame him for seeing out, anyone else would have in his position.
  7. Zach

    The England Thread

    It was offside anyway so it cancels out.
  8. Any reason why we would want paying in Euros?
  9. Zach

    The England Thread

    I can get over the fact that Terry etc are twats just because I want England to do well but each to their own, I can understand how people done have a lot of interest in them.
  10. Would be the one match I can't see :'(
  11. Zach

    The England Thread

    I noticed that against Sweden, they all seemed to sing it, they might have been told too cos its the first time I've seen them all sing it.
  12. Zach

    Other clubs' transfers

    Saw on SSN they were in talks with Progrebnyak aswell.
  13. Zach

    Other clubs' transfers

    Bet if they get him he will score against us.
  14. Zach

    The England Thread

    He's crap yeah, but who else do we have? Downing? Walcott springs to mind Yeah but it seems like he's only going to get used as a super sub. Plus Youngs been worse than Milner over the two games imo anyway.
  15. Zach

    The England Thread

    He's crap yeah, but who else do we have? Downing?
  16. He does have form for it like. True, you would think he would be happy around the french speakers in squad and felt at home. Go to Turkey for racist abuse - how much more cash can he possibly want, you would think as a footballer you would want to play in best leagues. He's still our player.
  17. Why is head to head used over goal difference?
  18. Zach

    Football pet hates

    He's not as bad as most, I just find him a bit boring.
  19. What the hell is parasite football?
  20. Zach

    Football pet hates

    I would like to add Guy Mowbray, Jonathan Pearce, Mark Bright, Clive Tyldesley, Andy Townsend and Peter Drury to this post. Without a doubt, there's only actually 2 or 3 commentators I can stand. There's also Jon Champion and Chris Waddle who deserve special mention, the twats.
  21. I love the one were he gets scared randomly, he's a legend.
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