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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Luiz's penalty man, 10 yard run up and he absolutely smashed it top corner. It was shearer esque.
  2. Comparing them, Cole's just a shit Ameobi.
  3. We've had a cheeky look at Phillips and Ince.
  4. I wanted WHU to get beat because Allardyce is a Grade A c***. Nolan would easily have got a move back into the Prem if they had got beat. edit. In fact everyone from manager up is a c***. Brady, Gold etc. c***s. I highly doubt that.
  5. Zach


    That scruffy f***er on the right doesnt even have any shoes on
  6. I'd love to see Owen have to play for a long ball team like West Ham
  7. There will be fun to be had around big Kev's house tonight.
  8. Zach

    Alan Pardew

    He's resigned seriously? As opposed too resigning for a laugh?
  9. I can't see him getting many in the prem tbh. (hopefully i wont find out though)
  10. Imo if we keep everyone it'll be more a case of: Tiote Jonas Cabaye Ben Arfa Cisse/Ba Marveux We are probably going to be concentrating on the defence transfer wise.
  11. Zach

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Might get a Cabaye top
  12. Those posts are class
  13. Zach

    The England Thread

    He's still a prick though.
  14. Zach

    The England Thread

    Rio Ferdinand is a stupid prick, if it was about football reasons this time you can bet that next time Roy Hodgson doesn't pick him it will be personal. I wouldn't care, the reason he wasn't picked is because he's shit. On another note, that is a really poor squad.
  15. I thought the 1st time we tried 433 was at home against QPR iirc. (Correct me if im wrong like).
  16. Cabaye speaks good English. Doubt it would be hard for him to learn 'son of a whore'. Can't imagine Cahill losing his s*** or Cabaye feeling moved to formally apologise over 'son of a whore' to be fair. Me neither but Zach reckons it was mother-based slander innit so just a guess. Where did you hear that btw Zach? I know someone that goes out with one of the stato at the club so I some of the good gossip. I didn't post it at first because I wasn't sure if people were just going to say its over the ballboy thing but its obvious now that its over what Cabaye said, also it makes a lot more sense than a racist slur, he said your mother is a whore and it all kicked off from there.
  17. We did yeah, and that was a stupid mix up. I think 433 is probably better defensively because its so versatile, the fact the wingers can drop back to bolster the midfield is surely better defensively?
  18. Alan Smith with the diving header
  19. Cabaye was no angel either.
  20. Yep, does Cahill speak French?
  21. Insulted Cahills mother apparently.
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