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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Zach

    Alan Smith

    Is that true? Bet he doesn't then.
  2. Whoo. The circus is still in town.
  3. Zach


    The worst thing we could do
  4. They should slap on more games for the attempted headbutt tbh.
  5. You've gotta be fucking crackers to go for that like
  6. Zach

    Joey Barton

    FA have charged him with 2 counts of violent conduct. The ban has to be at least 10 games (4 for red, 3 for headbutt and 3 for knee).
  7. The reaction save he pulled off for Jelavic's goal was unreal, he was unlucky he couldn't push it far enough.
  8. Player of the Season : Colo Most Disappointing Player : Gosling Best Game Attended : Arsenal/Fulham (didnt get too many) Best Result : 3-0 Man U Goal Of The Season: HBA vs Blackburn Best Signing: Cabaye Best Prospect: Ferguson Best Solo Performance: Cabaye against Villa
  9. Zach

    Joey Barton

    Yeah i know, just mean if he actually gets the chance too.
  10. He mouthed off to him apparently. Dont think it had anything to do with the ball boy incident
  11. Zach

    Joey Barton

    Also, Barton having an opinion on other people's skeletons
  12. Zach

    Joey Barton

    Wonder what reception he's going to get at SJP next season now he's publicly had a go at shearer and gone totally fucking nuts. I mean, he got a mixed reception iirc but the way he's gone on he will have lost pretty much all sympathy.
  13. Zach

    Joey Barton

    He looked like he was going to start windmilling to be honest
  14. Barton's face goes like an angry cartoon and he just goes f***ing crazy
  15. Aye, France or Holland would be great, gives us a good chance to tap up some players.
  16. Zach


    I bet he'd give his left bollock to be back here, just like most of the players who have left us over the last few years.
  17. Zach


    At least they still have thier class
  18. I missed afterwards, did he apologise to the kid? Edit: just seen he did. Tim Cahill was just as shocking, the prick.
  19. We need avocal leader who will scream at people and get them jeered up because Coloccini is a great captain,but the fact we haven't won a game coming from a goal down is a worring one. On another note, oh my god City
  20. “He had a bowl of Coco Pops and asked if I thought the milk smelled OK.” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What a strange thing to come out with.
  21. Everyone seems to have us to get beat today so that means were going to win 2-0.
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