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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Kean might have had more of chance if the fans didn't boo him all game.
  2. I can't agree with this in terms of Demba's quality early in the season- he was top class. However, today was a classic example of where we should have played 4-3-3 but didn't with the most likely reason being that they didn't trust Demba to track Zabaleta. The first goal comes from them outnumbering us in the middle. If Demba was to go with us signing two pacy 4-3-3 style widemen, it wouldn't be the end of my world and it would lessen the impact of the ACON next year as well. A straight swap for Gameiro wouldn't be too bad either! I agree .. I remember against Man Utd at home where his performance was completely dominant .. but since then hes the one player that frustrates the hell out of me.. as he has an inability to retain posession... without scoring goals he is not an asset to the side at all. Give over. What do you feel he offers then? Pace, strength, brilliant link up play (which he has shown on the left). Not to mention he carried us single handedly (goal wise) for half a season. He's out of form but that doesn't mean we should get rid.
  3. We havent missed out yet. We still have the chance to finish 3rd. If we win next week and dont get it then thats fair enough, but we have kept pace with the other 3 teams, which when you consider the respective run ins, is brilliant.
  4. Zach

    James Perch

    Yeah brilliant is a bit strong. Poor choice of words . But the point is that they have a role to play in our squad and are strong at doing it. And on the note of Obertan, im not sure what more Pardew can do.
  5. Zach

    James Perch

    Him, Ryan Taylor and Shola all look like brilliant squad players now. Got to hand it too Pardew, there's no one that he's not getting the best out of.
  6. Can see him going to Birmingham. Aye that would be a good move for him imo. He still has got a lot to offer, just not for a top 6 team.
  7. only 9 more goals to overtake City
  8. Zach

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We didn't play much hoofball.
  9. Zach

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Plus, I don't understand what people think Pardew could have done differently? His tactics were neccesary for me.
  10. I hope Loven finds a new club, has been a very good player, a brilliant professional and a genuine person throughout his time with us.
  11. Tbf the majority of strikers would've took that on without a second thought. He does need a goal though.
  12. Hopefully next year (as harsh as it is) he isn't a sure starter. That said, he's a brilliant player to have, hard working, defensively sound and a great out ball. He definitely has a big part to play next season, just maybe not starting every week.
  13. Man City were the better team but what can you do. We were exceptional, gave everything and never gave up at all.
  14. Jamie Redknapp has been bigging us up a lot recently.
  15. Win lose or draw, we have had a class season and I hope every player in our squad gets the ovation they deserve for the season. HTL
  16. Very fitting that. Its an excellent statue
  17. Zach

    Papiss Cissé

    Thats the thing with our front 3, double up on Ben Arfa and you leave space for Ba/Cisse, double up on Cisse you get the same problem. Thats not to mention Yohan Cabaye playing in an advanced position who can seriously hurt teams given space.
  18. Zach


    Typical Magedia, leaving out the clasiest club in the league
  19. Zach

    John Carver

    It was for fighting aswell wasn't it
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