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Posts posted by duo

  1. Why are we even playing this guy? Pardew has shown 0 faith in the lad. A few weeks ago he wasn't even making the bench.

    Was wondering the same thing about Taylor.


    To be fair to Marveaux I thought he did ok for the short time he was on considering he's barely played.

  2. Don't think Keegan would put up with his work ethic, mind. I'm not on about the lack of tracking back, either.

    Ginola didn't have the best work ethic but he managed him superbly.. Just said to him go do what you do best and let the others worry about defending.

  3. So you cancelling payments from June?  I'm confused as to how the payments are structured since they changed it to 12 monthly payments


    My season ticket for this season is paid for, they will take a payment in February for next season, I think.

    Am sure they changed it from 9 monthly payments to 12?  My monthly figure went down so I assumed I'd now finish paying for this season in May as opposed to where before it was Feb.

  4. Quite a fair analysis of his performance today on sky sports:




    His point seems to be that Ben Arfa isn't as good as Cabaye in the central role? And that his range of passing isn't as good? Well no s***, Benny's threat comes from picking up the ball in wide positions and running at defenders, not from his killer range of passing. Not that he can't pick out a pass but to compare him to Cabaye is apples and oranges

    It was this quote which I particularly agreed with:

    Newcastle did not seem to know what they wanted to do with Ben Arfa, who was frequently shifted across the pitch throughout the game from left to right. It resulted in an average position in a central area similar to that in which Cabaye operated in his final game for the club against West Ham United but both Ben Arfa and his team-mates looked confused and lost.
  5. Cisse has been s*** this season and part of last but he is still better than Shola. Reeks of asset stripping as someone said above.

    The lad has had ney service.  When he came we played in a way that suited him.  It's not coincidence since the style changed his goals dried up.

  6. Lets hypotheses for a second and lack of attendance has brought Ashley to his knees and wants to sell….I don’t see anyone banging on his door wanting to buy?  Have we not been down this road before?


    If someone is looking for a club to buy then surely they are going to examine its potential, the fan base, etc?  Having a stadium half full each week would surely be more counter productive? I personally think Ashley wouldn’t care.  TV money is set to rise and rise and that long with free advertising is imo all he is interested in.

  7. @lee_ryder: Would be a shame to Papiss Cisse leave #nufc now. Especially when they need a goalscorer. Rubin Kazan trying to arrange transfer.

    :serious: season is well and truly over.

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