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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. More chance of Adam Campbell being the next James Bond. Can someone photoshop this please.
  2. http://rogermooresmovienation.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/williams.jpg
  3. I think Mick owes you an apology.
  4. About time, the whole thing has hurt the club and he's come out of it looking like a hypocritical idiot. The casino pics f***ed him right over, he had no choice but to back down. I love how impartial you are.
  5. almost certain to be the case.
  6. Just an amateur enthusiast Of law or vaginas? As someone who works in the CJS (Criminal Justice System) that's a fairly accurate description. I generally avoid commenting on criminal matters, not least because it could get me in bother at work having signed the Official Secrets Act, but fact is Remy at present is as you say on bail pending a charging decision by the CPS. Given this would be a high profile case it's unlikely bail would be extended so a de idiom should be made and announced in September. Its my line of business too (law not vaginas). If your business is law, then there defo is a great deal of c***s I'm one of the good guys.
  7. Just an amateur enthusiast Of law or vaginas? As someone who works in the CJS (Criminal Justice System) that's a fairly accurate description. I generally avoid commenting on criminal matters, not least because it could get me in bother at work having signed the Official Secrets Act, but fact is Remy at present is as you say on bail pending a charging decision by the CPS. Given this would be a high profile case it's unlikely bail would be extended so a de idiom should be made and announced in September. Its my line of business too (law not vaginas).
  8. Wonga A Jenga-style game, followed by various shouting and anarchy, with fans and the Wonga Lawyer. The show famously went over 27 minutes for a game once, with the Millennium Big Breakfast actually being commissioned with extra time for Wonga.
  9. Do you know what the Islamic phrase is for helping out a brother? I can't remember it and its bugging me.
  10. The points are non-cash redeemable.
  11. It looks like it has just awoken from the tranquillizer having gone from the Savannah to Bewdley.
  12. Was he told to stay home, or did he withdraw? Withdrawing is banned in the Koran too I think. And the bible too. A friend of mine once told me about a priest who kept a budgie. The budgie was called Onan, on account of the fact it was always spilling its seed.
  13. http://www.globalwebpost.com/farooqm/writings/islamic/exploitation_interest.html An interesting(ish) article on money lending. There is the following disclaimer at the beginning: 'NOTE for fellow Muslims: Because this topic of Riba involves what is haram (prohibited) and halal (permissible) in Islam, every Muslim MUST do his/her own due diligence and conscientiously reach own position/decision in regard to personal practice. In doing so regarding this matter or any other aspect of life, Muslims should seek guidance from the Qur'an and the Prophetic legacy.' Also relevant to wonga is the following phrase: "The lender is very likely to be wealthy and the borrower poor. If interest is allowed, the rich will exploit the poor, and this is against the spirit of mercy and charity. (This is the social aspect of the prohibition of interest)."
  14. Im having a pretty shit day at work so your anti-rhetoric rhetoric is wearing pretty thin. It is well documented that Cisse wanted to travel to Portugal.
  15. So our number 9 who is pretty much our only viable forward option has been told to stay at home for pre-season. Why couldn't he have gone and trained and not played? It's sheer stupidity. The manager, who may actually play an important role in sorting out the dispute can't currently play any role in resolving the issue. It's pure incompetence. A recurring theme this summer.
  16. Probably tried drinking from a big bottle of water and snapped his arm in half. http://cohenonrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/gary-coleman-as-arnold-diffrent-strokes-18022862-640-480.jpg
  17. "Grassing up" - It's common knowledge anyway and, in my opinion, he's trying to force a move away. I thought some might see it as bad crack but everyone has their choice and opinion. Fair enough. The chances of us seeing the situation resolved have reduced dramatically as a result and we've no chance of finding a better striker than Cisse. But at least you got your name in the paper. You serious? He is refusing to wear the shirt for religious beliefs he isnt following himself. Can't see how anyone but Cisse is in the wrong here. I think you've left your mind open.
  18. I don't like it when N-O breaks the 4th wall.
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