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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Have a banana. Have two bananas.
  2. ‘You’ll never win anything with a team of James Milner’s’ probably the dumbest utterance from a manager.
  3. Could do that with @Super Duper Branko Strupar at the Lockwood Cup.
  4. Shakhtar had a pretty decent Europa winning side.
  5. What we’d all prefer rather than a show trial is the premier league put forward a platform of sensible financial management that allows teams to compete if not equally then in line with sporting competition.
  6. Loved the little chat on the bench before half time between Sandro and Barnes where they seemed to basically say we got this.
  7. One of them hosts the true faith podcast.
  8. There was a period of time where playing Nicky Butt just meant we would lose. Can’t really remember a single player being so damaging to our prospects for such a consistent spell.
  9. All I’d say is there a reason for this. To speculate I suspect it has a lot to do with the tribunal not being bound by its own decisions (citation needed). Secondly, the rules being brought in specifically to assuage fears of the top six about NUFC specifically. Finally the fact we don’t really have anything much to sell.
  10. He probably ordered his hot water with lemon and a ‘newcy brown’ for you. Makes me sick.
  11. Perhaps, but we clearly attempted to strengthen this summer and achieved nothing.
  12. If Howe understandably wants to keep hold of his best players (this transfer window is evidence of that) then it is better for us to spend less on incomings. Having Gordon, Isak, Bruno etc worth far more than we paid for them is meaningless unless they are sold. It does not change the fact that from an accounting point of view those players have been bought at a cost that needs to be balanced. If a buying club knows you need to sell in order to balance your deals then that will undermine the value of the player. Describing our recruitment process as not fit for purpose seems like a fair cop to me when over the summer window we have not added to the first team and when we’ve been after a right wing for how many windows now?
  13. Vidukas disallowed v Fulham would have been nice.
  14. Colo hit the post/bar from outside of the box with a header? Or am I imagining that. Was at the martins Liverpool game in with the Liverpool fans and had been silent all game, fully lost it at that though. Fortunately we were 3 down at the time so nobody too bothered.
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