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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Neither seems to have much of an end product, to the point it doesn't matter whose is worse. Few of our players can cross with any pace (Ferguson can mind).
  2. Would free up Sissoko for the number 10 role.
  3. IIRC the club once said something about changing its youth policy to release players at 21 if they felt they hadn't made the grade. Was a while ago mind and like everything at NUFC it seems pretty ad hoc.
  4. You think...bad start to the season and aln perdu will be history. True, hopefully we'll have a good start though. And if Pardew does prove to be irredeemable then Ashley is willing to spend the money to sack him. Probably not the miserly sod. I wish he enjoyed owning us a bit more at times i.e. to point of occasional frivolity.
  5. Spain have looked like a killing machine in this tournament. In terms of team play and work rate they are a cut above everybody else. Next years World Cup has got the makings of an absolute classic.
  6. A bad start to the season is unforeseeable.
  7. I'd take Poyet over Pardew if it was offered. Not saying we shouldn't be aiming higher but if that was on the table it has to be an improvement. Poyet's not particularly likeable, but then Pardew the adulterer, smarmy bullshitter isn't someone I have much time for on a personal level. Also its football, there's no shortage of tainted people. I feel that Poyet hasn't achieved more than Pardew in the game but he seems to be someone whose career is moving forwards. That being said I think if we start with a fit team we should fair far better than last season (not bloody hard).
  8. If Carr goes the last glint of optimism will have been snuffed out. For years optimism's been our lot. :'(
  9. If this happens I will vomit http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mctb2bPCXa1rq2uijo1_250.gif
  10. Once Brazil bring it all together they're going to be great. Where's Ramires?
  11. Brazil's Anthem sounds like some curb your enthusiasm background music.
  12. It does to be fair. You're final paragraph is where I think we are all at at the moment. I can't figure this one out at all. Given his fondness for privacy I doubt we will ever know. Will just have to watch this one play out.
  13. Carr's the only fucker doing his job properly.
  14. Its going to end up like that episode of the Simpsons where it's just Burns and Smithers running the whole plant.
  15. The same Tomkins that Pardew covets. Yeah whatever mate.
  16. http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00657/kinnear_280x390_657530a.jpg MOAR JOBS!
  17. Meanwhile in the boardroom http://24.media.tumblr.com/3b241e4538686d6692ac49e70defd166/tumblr_mn0x1bdHt01rhe069o1_400.gif
  18. Maybe he was always going to resign. Kinnear said (I know) that he had resigned 10 days ago. It would seem odd that he made the statement ushering in Kinnear if he had such a big problem with it. I suspect that as a group they all talk quite freely away from the public eye. Llambias and Ashley have always seemed very close.
  19. There was an article not so long back on this board where it was claimed he was due the full lot if he got sacked. Obviously no one knows but it makes you wonder. If his basic is as low as its rumoured to be then surely it doesn't matter?
  20. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/franck-ribery-karim-benzema-face-1959500 Ribery, Benzema facing jail for sex with under-age* prostitute. Hope no beer was spilt. *She was 16 or 17 at the time.
  21. Just a few short weeks ago we were a good managerial appointment away from being a very decent unit. This appointment has now shown that that won't happen for a number of years. Irrecoverable steps back. Lunacy.
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