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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Not getting purposefully sent off because he's in a bad mood would be a start. he did that one time!
  2. Avoid the forum. You clearly don't have any respect for us so why bother? Maybe you are sick of the inbred conversations on rtg, and I don't blame you, but coming here isn't the answer. Because I didn't toe the forum line? Surely this place is for debate and conversation? I'm agreeing with Toon's Taylor, in the football section. I hope you're happy.
  3. Wouldn't mind him coming on in the last 10 to win fouls and slow the game down (circumstances permitting).
  4. Hey Newcastle. Nice Tripod.
  5. Plenty does for me, he's a more imposing physical presence for a start. In France he is, says very little about how he'll do over here. He's also apparently a lot slower and less of a goal thread. Pretty sure they are talking about Moussa Sew.
  6. .....see the welcome commitee's out for him already. Guilty until proven guilty. Just how it should be, eh ? No not at all. I have no problem with Remy being here the only time that would change is if he should be convicted. Your post is just nonsense mate. As though being a t*** around town is the same as raping a girl. Also that thing you post about gold diggers making a false accusation is just as presumptive as the people already condemning him. It's also a very offensive premise, and one I believe you don't make with any shred of humour.
  7. That hardly makes him different from 85% of young footballers, thick as pig sh**, overflowing with arrogance, contempt for supporters, thinking they should be worshipped whether they're delivering or not....and believing that women are falling over themselves for them (and they are, but a anything-but-small percentage of them are there so they can ACCUSE them of rape. Lots of money to be made from press) POTY. not.
  8. You're on a roll today. He's like a dog off the lead.
  9. to be fair this did actually happen a fair few times.
  10. You could probably exclusively post in this thread.
  11. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/3565417/great-scott-o.gif
  12. Yes, probably a trial around Christmas/January if they go ahead with it. he'd be worth 2m then really, assuming he was found guilty he could appeal and drag it out to the end of the season then they can do what they like with him If he was convicted and appealed he would still go to prison pending the appeal.
  13. Yes, probably a trial around Christmas/January if they go ahead with it.
  14. Debt = fragility. Debt = one of the two ways to finance a business. Debt isn't horrible. Mortgages allow people to buy houses.
  15. ...says Talksport. Didn't he also tell Levy a while back that he wanted to leave? I'm guessing Levy and AVB touch base occasionally. Honestly, we don't have a bloody clue what's going on, and some outlets are making stuff up while others are quoting them. There really doesn't seem to be much point trying to follow a narrative. Particularly when you consider the sources. It wouldn't surprise me if he left, and it wouldn't surprise me if he stayed. More surprised about Caulker leaving, but that suggests that AVB's opinion is carrying a lot of weight in our transfer dealings. Do you think there is any element of Spurs wanting to sell?
  16. not enough players scouted and not enough signed. Essentially, though it's not clear how many players we scout, certainly not enough signed. We scout on what seems to be not just a talent but bargain basis and yes it has worked at times and that is great but we also need to be willing to pay for talent. And get players at the right times.
  17. Maybe we are signing Jonathan Spector
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