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Everything posted by hithere

  1. hithere


    Helmer The story is apparently Bobby Saxton had them doing shuttles or something and he picked the ball up and said something along the lines of 'In Germany we play with this' Reid then ostracised him. Probably bullshit but I like it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi, my names Tony Pulis and I have a strange fetish for buying fairly poor wingers who I never actually intend to play. Why play wingers when you've got Craig Gardner? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Henderson was excellent before his move to Liverpool Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. hithere


    Presumably this is a reference to him not being picked for England. Some of us are quite pleased he's not in the England squad. After years of seeing players from the 'top clubs' being picked, regardless of form, I gave up watching my national team. If Defoe played for Man U and Rashford was playing for us, Jermain would be with England and Rashford would be on his jollies. And both of them would get cut at the preliminary stage anyway. Not really much point in calling up the old man only to tell him to f*** off a week later. Sturridge injured again. If the choice was Rashford or Defoe it's a no brainer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. hithere


    You will have to be fair although Villa won't be far behind, depends how these new owners are. It's a fantastic appointment and if he's given full control (big if) you'll come back up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. He's an upgrade on that Soare fella surely Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. hithere


    Anyone know what's happening with this? Talks or anything yet?
  8. hithere


    I wouldn't do that. At 25 I've seen us relegated a fair few times. Hurts enough on its own.
  9. hithere


    I don't believe that. I do think that Rafa as good as he is will have a job on helping a side currently out of necessity with Taylor and Elliott in a back 5 staying up. We can't talk mind. It'll be close and next Sunday is huge.
  10. hithere


    Glad you said vast majority there. I consider myself quite intelligent.
  11. hithere


    It has to end some time
  12. hithere


    She shouldn't be the only one walking...
  13. hithere


    I'm ashamed of my club, and I'm ashamed of some of our support. I don't even have words for some of the things I've seen posted on Facebook the last week or so. It's fucking deplorable
  14. I agree with the bloke that said just let Busquets take them. I bet Pique would take a canny pen too
  15. hithere


    Debut shocking, against City outstanding. Since then he's looked good, comfortable on the ball and positionally excellent. Loves an injury though.
  16. Could be worse mate. One of our more recent goalscorers is by his own admission a paedophile
  17. They always seem to bottle it. Hull, Burnley and Brighton all look more likely
  18. hithere


    Massive if he's out for a while. People will complain of his shitness but fact is our defence looks a whole lot poorer for not having him in it.
  19. hithere


    I think he's guilty of it. Just my opinion. He's cast enough 'reasonable doubt' on the charges he's not pleading guilty to. Not guilty on both counts. Sign the register. Suspended sentence. Is what will happen. We'll squirm a bit. Make Byrne a scapegoat. It'll be forgotten about within the month.
  20. Will need a holiday in at work but I'm registering my interest
  21. hithere


    Just on one of our Facebook groups as we can't debate this on RTG As expected the negative publicity we will receive is going to be levied at Byrne. She hasn't performed well as a chief exec don't get me wrong but I can tell a lot of it is just the 'women and football don't mix' brigade. As if she could have anticipated our star player touching kids...
  22. hithere


    From what I gather He needs to be found guilty of touching the poor lass up etc etc Beyond reasonable doubt As some have mentioned he's playing the 'look how honest I am here, you have to believe me when I say I didn't do this part' card.
  23. hithere


    Only if what Johnson is saying is true. We only have his word for it so far. We really need a statement from the club, and hopefully the PFA who were also involved in his suspension being lifted. We'll see what happens at the end of the trial. Also this
  24. hithere


    I'm on RTG I realise your perspective However there are a lot of sensible posters on there who will have a different more intelligent view
  25. I'm at a wedding this day. I agree with this lad
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