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Everything posted by NUFC

  1. For his height/build his hold up isn't really that good. He gets pushed off the ball by defenders far too easily and seems scared to attack the ball from crosses/corners Shearer was much better at it at his age
  2. First touch is average, can't hold off defenders, doesn't score Why did we buy him again?
  3. No he didn't His arm was tucked in against his body and the balls hit his arm Was it in an unnatural position? No Was it deliberate? No No penalty
  4. Literally offers nothing, only passes sideways or backwards, can't tackle, doesn't score goals and is about as strong as a 4 year old
  5. How was that his fault? Gave away a cheap free kick and missed a header Pretty cut and dry to be honest What the fuck was Wijnaldum doing though, was just standing watching, at least Colback attempted to do something when defending it
  6. Leicester such a small time club man, cant wait for them to get knocked out of Europe by some shit team from Israel
  7. On paper their team is nowt special, but they work hard never stop running an Mahrez & Vardy are having a brilliant season. Expect them to be back to a mid table team next season
  8. Mitrovic really isn't that good for a striker, he's useless at holding off defenders
  9. Wearing a red & white tie Rafa out
  10. Journalists are awful, they all copy off each other and usually have no source what so ever, all they care about is selling papers, website hits and twitter followers. Aye, and in that same vein...some more speculative stuff...albeit interesting (the salary line): http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/newcastle-set-pay-rafa-benitez-7533744 We could get Andrew Sachs to ring the Mirror office and put on his Manuel accent and they would probably believe them
  11. Journalists are awful, they all copy off each other and usually have no source what so ever, all they care about is selling papers, website hits and twitter followers.
  12. When Liverpool scored I was like
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