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Posts posted by r0cafella

  1. We can talk until the cows come home about organisation, Pardew, pressing, defending as a team, etc, but it doesn't detract from the fact that the primary reason the contest was over before it had eveb begun was individual mistakes by four of our back five.


    Which happen week in and week out...


    No they don't.


    a lot of the goals we concede appear to be down to this,


    How many times have people slagged off various players already? Debuchy, Santon, Colo and & Mbiwa last night.


    We must have some of the most error prone defenders in the league.

  2. We can talk until the cows come home about organisation, Pardew, pressing, defending as a team, etc, but it doesn't detract from the fact that the primary reason the contest was over before it had eveb begun was individual mistakes by four of our back five.


    Which happen week in and week out...

  3. Taylor and Colo shipped 6 in the least game and a half? News to me, like. Then again I am often thick as pig sh! t as you say.



    Dear god you are thick. With Taylor being injured if you don't play Williamson you have to play Colo and Mbwia who up until yesterday had conceded 6 in a game and a half. Surely not too difficult to grasp.


    But we will be facing Fraser Campbell this weekend who isn't no great shakes in the air but is quick.


    Williamson is slow as f***in awful on the ball.


    Again it's the organisation of the defense which is the main issue here

  4. We have no width from any of our attacking players they all come in field.


    I'm not sure having our fullbacks sit back and defend is a good idea it will just make us easier to play against.


    We need Pardew to actually do what he claims to be good at and coach the team into playing as a unit and pressing cohesively.


    I've said it over and over we have no defensive structure our players haven't been instructed how to defend properly.


    We don't press, we don't get tight we aren't compact & we live oceans of space between our lines. As long as we defend in this nondescript way we will be punished.

  5. Think the tide in the press is turning very rapidly on AP now.


    I saw a tweet from someone last night (Mark Duffy) who said the press are ready to put knives into Pardew now.


    Did they get a green light from the press ombudsman or something?


    I haven't seen anyone speak badly about him in the press.


    He has had such a easy ride the media have sucked up his multitude of excuses.

  6. I'd be tempted to deploy Hatem as an impact sub. If he doesn't show up in games (like the last two) he's almost an obstruction. Cisse upfront again with Gouffran and Remy around him hopefully providing him with chances. If Gouff isn't threatening HBA should come on and torment a tired Cardiff defence. Most of the time I'd want a midfield three of Sissoko, Cabaye and Anita but we might need some real grit agains Medel and Gunnarsson who are right b******s. In all honesty Tiote wasn't all bad tonight but he's still Tiote.


    Hatem was played out of position last night.


    I don't understand why he's getting flack for it, he actually tried to make things happen in the first half

  7. You'd not have known he was playing second half had you not read the teamsheet.


    Its always this way when he gets shoved out wide.


    After all he only started playing their when we signed him and our tactical mastermind got hold of him.



    He's an ex CH though, that's the thing. If he can't organise his back 4 then he simply shouldn't be in the profession. 


    We have no shape, at the back and part of the reason is that we're expecting both fullbacks to defend and act as wingers.  It leaves us so short at the back because our midfielders don't cover them, we're clueless.


    Yep, two holding players and we still had neither sitting in front. Something that has been said so many times by me and others it's ridiculous. This is purely a poor managers tactical ineptitude at it's finest..


    It beggars belief no one in the team knows what they are doing.


    It baffles me why no one just sits. Anita did it against Villa, and Fulham. And we played better for it. Soon as Tiote comes in we have stopped doing it. I dont understand how Pardew or the players cant see it themselves.


    Poor management its as simple as that


    He doesn't have a clue tactically and has no idea how to get the best out of the players he's been given.


    For the system of buying players we employ Pardew isnt the manager we need.

  9. Sounds like he'll be going back to basics for the next game. Fine by me, he can't coach us into an attacking style of football. Look to keep it tight against Cardiff and pick them out on the break with our pace. Remy and Ben Arfa either side of Cisse/Gouffran, please.


    This post is utter lunacy like. Every time I see him attempt to "keep it tight" from the start of a game, that's when we get f***ed up the arse, like tonight. Shifting Ben Arfa because he's scared of their full back, that's what he thinks "keeping it tight" is, completely f***ing up your own game because of fear.


    Staggering that you think he has "shown how to construct a back four" - taking one over from another manager that has been playing together for years does not count as "constructing". He has shown only that he's totally incompetent at putting together a new unit.


    Aye this has me thinking about how Bayern under hitzfeld exploited Barca's weaknesses instead of trying to stop them playing


    I call that a winners mentality



    He's an ex CH though, that's the thing. If he can't organise his back 4 then he simply shouldn't be in the profession. 


    We have no shape, at the back and part of the reason is that we're expecting both fullbacks to defend and act as wingers.  It leaves us so short at the back because our midfielders don't cover them, we're clueless.


    Yep, two holding players and we still had neither sitting in front. Something that has been said so many times by me and others it's ridiculous. This is purely a poor managers tactical ineptitude at it's finest..


    It beggars belief no one in the team knows what they are doing.

  11. I know he was f*cking crap, like really f*cking crap.


    But dropping him after one bad game really? when Cisse gets a pass for being utterly f*cking dire for 6 months?


    Its not just one bad game in the last 6 months sadly.


    That being said I'm not judging any of our players until we have a proper manager.

  12. 3 holding players in midfield and we got torn a new arsehole in 30 mins. I wouldn't mind him not knowing how to set us up defensively if he was good at the attacking side of the game but who ever heard of a top flight manager who's s*** at both?!


    Di Canio?


    Oh wait  :mike:

  13. Judging from Pardew's post-match comments, this game may be a turning point in his thinking. He was talking about making a couple of changes in defence, which I assume means bringing in players who are mentally a bit stronger and more reliable. Get used to it, guys, because I'm sure one of them will be Williamson. The other might be Dummett.


    There's an old saying that a team is strong from the defence forwards and the middle outwards. We really need to go back to basics.


    Yes we do.


    By bringing in a manager who actually knows how to fucking manage.

  14. I'm not commenting on Pardew's decisions tonight, but (for example) he doesn't tell Santon to sell himself short for the first goal or Colo to not bother to look where Lukaku is standing.


    Third goal, Colo bottles the challenge against Lukaku, Krul bottles clearing everyone out and claiming it. Second goal, stupid punt forward and nobody tracks the runner. Just rank awful defending.


    Doesn't he? if he isn't telling Santon what positions he should be taking up and which direction he should be showing his man he's not doing his job.


    at the end of the day Pardew picks these f***ing players and he coaches them; they we're highly rated before they came here and have gone backwards ever since.


    the maths is f***ing simple.


    Aye I understand that, Pardew takes a massive share of the blame. All I'm saying is Santon is a fullback, his job is to stay goal side of his winger and stop the cross coming in. Colo is an experienced international CB and he doesn't bother to look where the forward is standing. Just a couple of examples of awful individual errors.


    It's different players every week Ian.


    If it was a one off individual error then you hold your hands up and accept it, but we sit here saying the same things week in and week out.


    If we can sit here and see it why can't Pardew? How can we expect our players to be accountable when our manager isn't?


    We often talk about a lack of leadership at the club but this comes from the manager once again, on the playing side the buck stops with him.

  15. I'm not commenting on Pardew's decisions tonight, but (for example) he doesn't tell Santon to sell himself short for the first goal or Colo to not bother to look where Lukaku is standing.


    Third goal, Colo bottles the challenge against Lukaku, Krul bottles clearing everyone out and claiming it. Second goal, stupid punt forward and nobody tracks the runner. Just rank awful defending.


    Doesn't he? if he isn't telling Santon what positions he should be taking up and which direction he should be showing his man he's not doing his job.


    at the end of the day Pardew picks these f***ing players and he coaches them; they we're highly rated before they came here and have gone backwards ever since.


    the maths is f***ing simple.

    they're not robots they are capable of thinking for themselves and being supposedly top players they should have some vague clue on the bloody basics


    As i said they managed the basics before coming here.


    I just don't fall for Pardew's bullshit that's all.

  16. I'm not commenting on Pardew's decisions tonight, but (for example) he doesn't tell Santon to sell himself short for the first goal or Colo to not bother to look where Lukaku is standing.


    Third goal, Colo bottles the challenge against Lukaku, Krul bottles clearing everyone out and claiming it. Second goal, stupid punt forward and nobody tracks the runner. Just rank awful defending.


    Doesn't he? if he isn't telling Santon what positions he should be taking up and which direction he should be showing his man he's not doing his job.


    at the end of the day Pardew picks these fucking players and he coaches them; they we're highly rated before they came here and have gone backwards ever since.


    the maths is fucking simple.

  17. Neville saying Pardew couldn't do anything, I can't figure it out. If the manager has no say on the tactics and the starting/general positions the defenders take up then why have one?


    Aye the media always do this for Pardew.


    We concede poor goals week in week out he always gets a pass.


    People seem to forget he's the one managing these players week in and week out.


    Colo is a Argentinian international and Mbiwa won the league with Montpellier and was highly regarded by everyone!


    Our players are going backwards through poor management and poor coaching it's that simple.

  18. Everton were shocking second half.


    Not really.... and they wasn't fantastic in the first half either.


    They looked good because we allowed them to be and they looked bad in the 2nd half because we didn't allow them to play.


    The same could be said vice versa tbf, but the point is let a passing team play and your asking for trouble put them under pressure and they won't like it.


    As the old saying goes..... any team can look good if the opposition allows them to be.


    Mole, we couldn't have gifted you a way back into the game any more - just like us being 3-0 was in no small part due to your total lack of defending.


    Beren's nailed it perfectly - we took our foot off the gas, ground to a halt, got out the car and went for a walk. It was farcical.


    I agree you took your foot of the gas but i still think the main reason we got back into the game is we stopped sitting deep and allowing you to come at us in droves.


    Its clearly not an effective way to play against you or any other decent outfit, i suppose its easy to say we put you under pressure and squeezed the midfield a lot more of course its a combination of all these things.


    I just don't believe you would have been 3-0 up at half time if we started the game by squeezing the midfield and nullifying the effectiveness of Barry, Barkley etc etc.


    My concern is we will just go back to sitting deep with zero intensity and i will sighing all over again.


    Pardew doesn't learn for some reason.


    One of the best games we've had under him is when we dominated Man U at SJP. We squeezed the midfield pressed as a team and didn't give them any time on the ball but we rarely see it.


    Sadly no one in the media ever calls football managers to account for bad tactical decisions.

  19. The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull s*** type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


    He was ineffective tonight but I didn't think he was garbage as such. Just like last season, he was the only outlet. Moving Remy into the middle put all the pressure back onto Hatem; they doubled-up on him and countered him easily. Just woeful tactics from Pardew, as usual.


    (Plus Seamus Coleman had an absolutely sensational performance - he was man of the match by a distance, for all Sky's ejaculating over Lukaku.)


    the excuses people will make for hba  :facepalm:


    a crap game is a crap game, and he had one.  And the one before that.


    It's really myopic to look at individual player performances in isolation from context unless they are outstandingly bad - which he wasn't. The deck was stacked against him from the get go, tonight. If he'd been on top, top form - he might have got better joy out of Coleman, but that doesn't mean the level he was at was 'garbage'. The team's plan was garbage, and he was spearheading the horrendous plan sadly - and is now taking the flak for it.




    He would have faired much better against baines than coleman.



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