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Posts posted by r0cafella

  1. The only reason there was even an opportunity for the cracks to be papered over was because Everton not only took their foot off the gear, but got out of the car and went for a walk.


    Second half means next to nothing tbh.


    The only reason Everton scored 3 goals in the first half was because we started with the car turned off and couldn't even find the keys.  I mean which of their goals wasn't down to a comedy of errors?, every f***ing one was.


    I agree to some extent, but the difference is that was when the game was still (in theory anyway :lol:) a competitive match and that was our level that we were bringing to the table.


    I think that first half was more inline with how we usually play in comparison to Everton's second half.

  2. Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


    His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


    Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


    and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


    3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.


    Dont get me wrong, he is woeful. But by his standards i thought he did quite well.


    Hard to call mate.


    Everton we're relaxing the entire time he was on the pitch.

  3. I'm not sure what to think about the 2nd half.  Was a much better performance by us but Everton went to sleep for me.


    They did but we pressed them, amazing that a passing team doesn't like being pressed. Sitting back in the first half killed us, letting them play. And Pardew doesn't deserve credit for getting us to do what we should have done from the 1st whistle.


    Bimpy your spot on.


    The way we defend makes no sense.


    We don't press

    We don't get tight

    We aren't compact


    It's so f***ing wishy washy, the players don't have a f***ing clue what they are meant to do

    Agree,it's the total turnaround from what we did so very well two seasons ago that helped us finish 5th.So what's went wrong?


    I can only assume the players get sick of his training methods.


    People may disagree with me here but i just don't think they respect him he's too soft on the players for me.


    Letting Colo fuck off back to Argentina whilst he was out injured, same with Ben arfa who was being treated in France. Some will say this is good man management for me it's giving players a free holiday and will breed resentment from the other members of the team.

  4. Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


    His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


    Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


    and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


    3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.

  5. I'm not sure what to think about the 2nd half.  Was a much better performance by us but Everton went to sleep for me.


    They did but we pressed them, amazing that a passing team doesn't like being pressed. Sitting back in the first half killed us, letting them play. And Pardew doesn't deserve credit for getting us to do what we should have done from the 1st whistle.


    Bimpy your spot on.


    The way we defend makes no sense.


    We don't press

    We don't get tight

    We aren't compact


    It's so f***ing wishy washy, the players don't have a f***ing clue what they are meant to do


    It's like we make it up as we go along. It's been said by so many on here but it's true. We lack a pattern, a identity as a team. And after 3 years here Pardew will never find it and should be ashamed he hasn't tbh. And yet some still think he'll turn it around, it's baffling.


    This you get the feeling over clubs are going places, they have managers with a clear idea of what they want to achieve and how they do it.


    We have a blagger who just guesses his way through each game.


  6. I'm not sure what to think about the 2nd half.  Was a much better performance by us but Everton went to sleep for me.


    They did but we pressed them, amazing that a passing team doesn't like being pressed. Sitting back in the first half killed us, letting them play. And Pardew doesn't deserve credit for getting us to do what we should have done from the 1st whistle.


    Bimpy your spot on.


    The way we defend makes no sense.


    We don't press

    We don't get tight

    We aren't compact


    It's so fucking wishy washy, the players don't have a fucking clue what they are meant to do

  7. Strange one. Obviously you never stand a change if you give the game away inside 30 minutes. I don't think anything in the preparation it tactics can legislate for players just not even trying to defend. Shocking really.


    Showed character in the second half, but we need to learn to play something approaching football for a full 90 minutes.


    It's the mentality of the man Ian,


    He plays our best player out of position to cover off their left back ffs.


    If someone is negative all of the time it starts to rub off and this is why we've seen every single player we've bought under Pardew go backwards.

  8. Our whole squad needs to do some free weights ffs


    Weak as p*ss when shoulder to shoulder


    What free weight exercises can help that anyway? We just need to stop targeting players from a second-rate league that nobody but us goes anywhere near.


    I'll reserve judgement on them until I see them under a proper manager.


    I'm also pretty sure everyone was excited when we bought them too....

  9. Coloccini where R U?

    Santon, do you know what defend means?

    Anita where is your heart? the ball IS NOT A HOT POTATO!

    Mapou can you at least look like you are trying...

    Front three, do you think it possible we could pressurize the ball coming out


    I suppose you will have something to say Alan....


    Cabaye for Anita

    Gouff in Middle Remi wide

    Dummet on


    Anita hasn't been bad at all imo.

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