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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Marv did ok for a guy who was basically benched all pre season.
  2. Booing on the first home game of the season. I think the tide is turning for Pardew.
  3. It's depressing, Southampton have Osvaldo and Ramirez on the bench, I guess that explains why they are losing
  4. I think it's more down to a lack of natural width personally. We haven't attacked the byline once everything comes inside and the game ends up being played in the width of the penalty area.
  5. Sick of seeing us play them long balls from every set piece we get in our own half. Especially when Cisse is the one attacking the first ball
  6. Someone needs to call the c*** out about this in the post-match press conference. "So Alan, with Baines and Fellaini playing for Everton after they rejected bids and said they didn't want to sell them and actually seemed like they meant it, is Cabaye not playing just further proof that you're protecting him from injury to ensure you can sell him after hawking him round so blatantly all summer?" you make it sound like he has a say in the matter rather than just being a victim of meddling from above He possibly doesn't. But I'd still grill him. If he doesn't have a choice then he can quite easily say that. "No, it's Mike Ashley's decision. I'd love to keep Cabaye and have played him today.". Simple. Needs to grow some balls and start telling the truth or else be called out on his bullshit that he peddles. and then he gets sacked. Would you do that in the same situation when trying to protect your job which you enjoy? If i was going to get a fat pay off hell yes.
  7. Someone needs to call the c*** out about this in the post-match press conference. "So Alan, with Baines and Fellaini playing for Everton after they rejected bids and said they didn't want to sell them and actually seemed like they meant it, is Cabaye not playing just further proof that you're protecting him from injury to ensure you can sell him after hawking him round so blatantly all summer?" you make it sound like he has a say in the matter rather than just being a victim of meddling from above He possibly doesn't. But I'd still grill him. If he doesn't have a choice then he can quite easily say that. "No, it's Mike Ashley's decision. I'd love to keep Cabaye and have played him today.". Simple. Needs to grow some balls and start telling the truth or else be called out on his bullshit that he peddles. QFT
  8. Yea i'm a bit worried about playing Anita as part of a central 2. Central 3 yea, but central 2? :/ Me too. Possibly the least suited to 4-4-2 out of all of our players. Not happy with the formation (or Ameobi), but pleasantly surprised to see Marveaux and HBA on the pitch together. Given the actual players we have available a Brazilian box would make more sense. Krul Debucy Colo Yanga Santon Moussa Anita HBA Marv Cisse Gouff Would actually suite our full backs to as they could bomb forward safe in the knowledge Anita & moussa are covering
  9. This is what i fully expect as well. It's all well and good Pardew naming a seemingly attacking team from the start, but as soon as the game unfolds he'll revert to type.
  10. On his own apparently. Good Game NUFC. Good fucking game. Club bids for player and we send player to train on his own.
  11. Apologies. Sarcasm is hard enough to detect on a forum at the best of times. And there's not many of us would claim these are the best of times....! I'm 100% with you mate. The fact Cabaye isn't playing is a joke to be honest. Head turned or not, If he goes out their and we see him doing fuck all and not being arsed at least we can then see it for ourselves.
  12. Nothing wrong with his head. We just can't jeaopardise his sale that we're so obviously desperate to push through by playing him, in case he gets injured. Sorry was being Sarcastic. I also don't buy this head turned nonsense.
  13. Yea i'm a bit worried about playing Anita as part of a central 2. Central 3 yea, but central 2? :/ Can someone go and turn Cabaye's head the right fucking way please?
  14. They won comfortably midweek, and we have no intentions of replacing him. Both clubs will be happy to wait. Yea but to be fair Fenerbache aren't as good as their reputation would suggest. That being said though I think Arsenal fans have really blown their situation out of proportion After the game against Villa it was a worry though. A fair few here wrote Arsenal off against Fener, the pressure was definitely there. It wasn't an easy trip at all. I agree it wasn't easy given the speculation and pressure they were facing but if we look at the likes of Emre and Meirelles are way past their best imo.
  15. They won comfortably midweek, and we have no intentions of replacing him. Both clubs will be happy to wait. Yea but to be fair Fenerbache aren't as good as their reputation would suggest. That being said though I think Arsenal fans have really blown their situation out of proportion
  16. We don't know Pardew dropped him. For all we know Cabaye refused to play. Pardew said his "head wasn't right" to play. He may just have been "protecting" Cabaye. Protecting him from what ? Playing badly i assume if his head is turned. Not a problem that, Cabaye played crap most of last season along with the rest of the team anyhoo Protecting him from the criticism he's getting anyway?
  17. There is no indication that he's actually refused to play. Why would we dock his wages? Did I imply that? He didn't play Monday and is unlikely to play today due to his own reasons. Anyway, bimpy474 has a fair point. Why do you want to dock his wages then? Maybe he is refusing to play and is on strike until he gets the move he wants? People can't defend him no more than people can accuse him. We don't know what's happened. Going by his performances last season I think it's safe to say he will be happy to leave. I've no doubts he'll take the move shall it come along however what we do know is that Pardew dropped him from monday nights game. Hence we have no indication he's actually refused to play.
  18. There is no indication that he's actually refused to play. Why would we dock his wages? Did I imply that? He didn't play Monday and is unlikely to play today due to his own reasons. Anyway, bimpy474 has a fair point. Why do you want to dock his wages then?
  19. There is no indication that he's actually refused to play. Why would we dock his wages?
  20. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Aye not on transfers he hasn't. Don't get me wrong I was just isolating last years transfers.
  21. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    A lot of people are forgetting the 20m quid spent last January should have spent last summer. I'm not forgetting that at all. Personally speaking I'm satisfied if we spend circa 20 million per season (not including money generated from player sales) IIRC we only gained 1 extra point in the second half of the season despite the 20 million pound spent and the level of football quickly plummeted back to it's previous level.
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