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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Expect? No certainly not. Fat Mike has succeeded in lowering my expectations so much I don't. I'd love to know where the money does go though.
  2. Which is worrying considering we spent fuck all the last summer.
  3. Don't people see? Cabaye wants to leave yes but the club also wants to cash in. It will be typical nufc a mutual transfer but the fans blame the player. At the end of the day cabaye came under the promise of regular European football, in that time the club has continued to show a lack of ambition. Put yourself in his shoes would you want to stay around?
  4. After hearing what? It's not like fucking relative died.
  5. New bibs. Improving the training ground.
  6. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    We should start a kickstarter for it.
  7. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    This is the problem. Pardew will tell the players that they did all right before the sending off. Fuck he's lowered expectations so much what must the players think?
  8. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I would then I realise he's spent another Pre season doing fuck all. What a fucking stupid decision it was to keep this man
  9. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    He is. We weren't prepared at all.
  10. I'll refrain from deciding until I see them playing under a real manager. QFT. All our players have got worse under Pardew.
  11. All our international highly rated players are playing shit. I wonder why? Pardew has to be held accountable for these performances.
  12. Love how we start closing down when we're 3-0 down with ten men. Oh and look it causes City to make errors! shock fucking horror.
  13. Whats he going to offer us when we're already a man short? 3 Actually. We have Tiote and Cisse on the pitch...
  14. How different it could have been if we would have sacked Pardew in the summer.
  15. Oh no! Cabaye had his head turned though And Individual errors! /s
  16. What do you lot expect? All Pard's has talked about is how we can't compete with even the likes of Southampton lol. How can you expect the team to believe when his rhetoric only talks down our chances.
  17. f*** that. Just shows he's been waiting for a way out. No at the end of the day, someone will have had to ok him going home, Weak management sir.
  18. Cisse is a Poacher pure and simple. If he doesn't get the service he'll look awful.
  19. Well we don't get tight and we don't press. Pardew is a shocking manager.
  20. If he wants to go and that's a big if then we need to take the stance of the other clubs this season. Dump him in the reserves and make it clear he wont be sold for a penny less than a over inflated asking price.
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