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  1. NE27

    St James' Park

    From gallowgate club to barracks. Even that was a massive ordeal which rumbled on for months. They would not accept me taking a ticket in standard areas at all.
  2. NE27

    St James' Park

    And desperate fans shunted out of seats for even more expensive hospitality, at least in my case in the barracks. Fucking hate the place.
  3. Saudis are just building a strong case to allow us to flog players left right and centre for stonking fee's like everyone else in the league. Not really, they're just pushing their league interests. Probably not much deeper than that.
  4. Jesus, what a complete fuckface this bloke was. Oh woe is me, I'm always picked on for being absolute shit at my job and patronising fans in the process. Cheers for posting that.
  5. Nice touch, feels weird players not leaving under a dark cloud. He came, worked his socks off and now it is probably the correct time for him and the club to part. Cheers for your efforts miggy
  6. NE27

    St James' Park

    Replace raising taxes with moving to new site, and releasing loonies as St James Park Renovation and you've got this thread
  7. NE27

    Match Atmosphere

    I've never left either, don't think I'm a superfan for that but I stay till the end and I will always clap the lads off. Yesterday was hard but we were bested in all departments and I wouldn't say it was necessarily due to lack of desire or effort. Atmosphere in the barracks may be some of the worst in St James', it's a constant merry-go-round of corporate day trippers and a few misplaced ST holders from elsewhere, hate it.
  8. NE27

    Match Atmosphere

    There was talk of that on here I'm sure. I was in the lower bowl and it was pretty much universally standing around me.
  9. NE27

    NUFC Transfer Rumours

    Imagine that's a short meeting
  10. No finer sight than a kids hopes and dreams being shattered on a miserable Friday night in January, it's football at its finest* , and on live TV no less *Said by someone who was also that kid.
  11. Dunno who that ref is kidding with that combover mind, shocking.
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