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Bada Bing

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Everything posted by Bada Bing

  1. Just can't envisage PIF signing off on Eddie Howe. Relegation on CV, no experience managing under big pressure at a very demanding club. Seems totally illogical to me, even if he is a talented coach, which I think he is. The whole thing is weird.
  2. Still think we'll get him, but maybe not for Saturday. PIF will pay what is necessary. The leaks are annoying but we don't know for certain if they came directly from the consortium so I think a bit unfair to judge them for that. The fact the process led to Emery being No.1 target shows they are on the right lines, or taking good advice. Not panicking yet.
  3. Appears like Villarreal are just holding out for a bit more compensation.
  4. Would be absolutely delighted with Emery. Pretty much the best we could hope for in our situation.
  5. The deal is probably dead, but I have a feeling there are some twists to come. PL will not be satisfied despite all the intense lobbying: - Likely no further recourse on piracy - BeIN banned in KSA (a major market for MENA rights) - Questions from UK govt as they have effectively filibustered circa £600m investment in poorer region - Relations damaged with one of largest sovereign wealth funds. Ultimately the consortium have pulled out so you cannot 100% blame the PL. It does seem likely PIF were getting cold feet about it the longer it played out, understandably. Here's hoping this is the Hail Mary.
  6. Won't be wasting weekends watching football anymore, or contributing to the 'product' in any way. Better things to do in life than this unnecessary emotional rollercoaster.
  7. Can't really blame the PL if the report is true, it sounds like a complete shambles now. It will probably rumble on into September and then it will be announced a few days before the season starts.
  8. One thing this move has done is ensure the PL can't just reject the deal and resume unscathed as if nothing has happened. The PL have to make this work, or they are facing a hefty loss of value on the MENA deal (now and later), unhappy clients and stakeholders (BEIN and PL clubs), and no prospect of solving the piracy issue in Saudi. I'm still hopeful.
  9. So Mauriss has submitted an opening bid of 50m more than the bid that has already been accepted. Right, ok.
  10. BeIn sound rattled, publicly airing commercial threats like that is last gasp territory. Decision must be imminent now.
  11. All bark, no bite. The government won't veto it for obvious reasons, and the buyers won't walk away. Why, when they have clearly invested loads to get to this point? Money talks, everything else can be overcome.
  12. The amount of research and documentation involved will be insane: adverse media checks, politically-exposed persons reports, financial crime, reviewing the commercial structure and track record of each legal entity involved...we know much of this is highly relevant in this bid. Hence the PL will be asking for further info and detailed mitigation on a lot of this. They will be taking legal and government advice. Its a significant undertaking especially as most parties have probably got bigger fish to fry right now. Politically exposed persons and adverse media will be the PL's main concern, but ultimately money talks and if they get sufficient assurances they will give the green light, especially in the absence of any real government backing. With the heightened scrutiny and opposition, they will want to ensure the process is a rigorous and comprehensive as it can be within the rules , short of actually blocking it. My opinion.
  13. The knock-on political ramifications if the PL were to reject it for non-commercial reasons could be significant and embarrassing for the government. Could also set an unwanted precedent and put off other potential investors. Given the statement yesterday from the culture secretary, the PL would be taking a considerable risk. It will happen.
  14. All depends on whether MA's lawyers have enough capacity at the minute
  15. No comment or denial thus far from NUFC or MA's reps in the wake of 2 pretty bullish statements from BZ group - is a good sign its progressing well.
  16. The club will be in the dark like we all are. Not expecting anything from them.
  17. Bada Bing


    Disaster written all over this. Oh dear
  18. I got worried after reading the fans forum minutes. I interpreted it that the ambition-less culture of the club is as persistent as ever, despite Rafa's efforts. The mentality had not budged one jot.
  19. Despite it looking rather bleak, I highly doubt Rafa would be anywhere near close to agreeing a deal with West Ham at this early stage tbh. His first choice is clearly to stay with us, but we look determined to f*** this up.
  20. If the events of the last few days happened in previous years, we would have closed for business. Thankfully we have a manager who forces those above him to act.
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