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Bada Bing

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Everything posted by Bada Bing

  1. According to some twitterer apparently with a club source, the attendance was actually a smidge over 31,000.
  2. Apparently the club declared the attendance to NP as 47k also.
  3. Excellent effort today. Feels like ground has been made.
  4. That would be a very decent result. Yeah it would be, I can't see more than about 6k regulars not turning up though.
  5. There's thousands of unsold tickets, I reckon the official attendance will be 46-47k with about 40,000 actually in the ground.
  6. Bada Bing


    They won't go down. They were in a far worse position this time last season with even more difficult fixtures to play and stayed up. The 3 that's there now will more than likely go down but if one of them stops up it'll be at the expense of Hull. Yeah I suspect they will scrape it. Can't see them getting more than 4/5 points but that will be enough.
  7. Bada Bing


    A harmless and small time gesture that I'll raise a smile to - if it happens. Hopefully it will be the last we see of them for a good few years.
  8. Pure AIDS that. Moans about Ashley, actively endorses him. Like so many others.
  9. Bada Bing


  10. At Sunderland Drumaville were looking for a way out, hence Niall Quinns involvement iirc. Ashley isn't unless we give him a strong enough reason to.
  11. So having unfortunately read the rest, what do you propose?
  12. Getting tiresome the level of simulation.
  13. Absolute BS about the finances Alan and you know it. Lack of investment down to one man.
  14. James Beattie: a dim, sense of humour-less dullard.
  15. I hate this argument about football to be frank, you're either good enough to be on the pitch or not. At this moment in time, Armstrong coming onto the pitch with however many minutes left - offered nothing. Aaron's is 19, yet there (in my opinion) is a distinct difference in ability between the two. I wouldn't be disappointed if Aaron's came on, I would be if Armstrong did. You might be right, he may well amount to not a lot. I just don't think its fair to judge him yet after a handful of appearances. Didn't Beardsley himself say that not one academy player was ready yet?. To be fair, I think he is a really good youth product - but not somebody that should be on the pitch for us at the moment. It just does nothing for his confidence and progression being thrown onto the floor for 3 minutes by Arsenal's 6 foot 6 back four. If anything it just highlights what an awful lack of quality/depth we have at the moment. But don't worry, because big John says we're going to sign the whole world in the summer. Haha, yea agree with all that.
  16. I hate this argument about football to be frank, you're either good enough to be on the pitch or not. At this moment in time, Armstrong coming onto the pitch with however many minutes left - offered nothing. Aaron's is 19, yet there (in my opinion) is a distinct difference in ability between the two. I wouldn't be disappointed if Aaron's came on, I would be if Armstrong did. You might be right, he may well amount to not a lot. I just don't think its fair to judge him yet after a handful of appearances. Didn't Beardsley himself say that not one academy player was ready yet?.
  17. Great game, gave everything in that second half. Can't ask for much more when apart from 4 players the rest of the squad is so limited.
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