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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. Twinport53

    Papiss Cissé

    Cisse praising the bloke, who's tactics of not getting the ball into the box, meant he went on his worst goal run of his career. Some players are dense as fuck like.
  2. If you actually read it in context and put yourself in his shoes for 2 minutes. I think you would be pissed putting that effort in aswell. Some people don't go to the match and live a 15 minute bus journey away. He came from London over night FFS. Were you there on Saturday like?
  3. Agree with this 100%. Because I am a nosey cunt, I was listening to this lad at half time and he was texting his mate saying "we have been giving pardew hell, you are missing out" Not once did he participate in a single song, he never got out his seat, anti pardew or for NUFC. Most of our support like to think they make a difference, but they may aswell be at home watching come dine with me. Bellend.
  4. Twinport53

    Papiss Cissé

    I love Papiss like. But can't believe he high fived Pardew after getting his first one.
  5. Sure I saw them draw 2-2 with Hull City the other night too. I'm also sure I saw Liverpool get beat off Villa last week as well, someone else who didn't beat us. Our form recently from back end of last year til now. Some perspective would be L L L L L L W L L D D L D Suppose that's a canny run in your book? One win against a relegated Cardiff City?
  6. Are you simple? We were absolutely fucking shit man. Stop talking wet.
  7. I couldn't even get out of the Gallowgate at full time for the amount of cunts clapping a 2-2 draw against HULL FUCKING CITY. I am livid with our so called 'support' like.
  8. I have never seen so many spineless fucking fans in all my life. Sat in the Gallowgate with my mate, loads of people round me had the A4 cards (Was presuming they wanted to protest), we had the bigger one with just the black logo on. When 5 minutes came round, me and my mate stood up with the banner, and the cunts around us just sat in there seats looking at us and then booed, while holding the A4 ones on their laps. I literally couldn't believe my eyes. If that is what the support is like every week. I am glad I stopped going over 2 years ago. That may be my first and last match for a while. Pathetic cunts, the lot of them. Deserve Pardew and his shit football.
  9. Agree with this. I am excited for the match for the first time in years.
  10. Did I imagine he said he will stand on the touchline for the first 10 minutes to diffuse the situation, and take it away from the players til it calms down?
  11. "He finished in the top 10, and was manger of the year the season before" Nice to see Bruce forgot our 16th place finish between those seasons. And the dreadful football that has giving every team under the sun, points off us.
  12. Does this really need explained again?
  13. Hope he does a cheeky warm up during the game
  14. He looked rough as fuck in that press conference. Seems like he's been up all night licking pritt sticks, thinking of a new way to utilise Willo's set penises against the mighty Tigers.
  15. Go 1-0 up from a Willo set penis. Then 5-5-0 for the remaining 89 minutes?
  16. 3rd May 2014. Bada bing, bada boom. I'm aware of that. But this is 5 games in and some have very short memories. You seem to have the shortest memory, a new season doesnt mean a clean slate. Just because we had a close season doesn't mean 2 years of shit football can be swept under the carpet.
  17. Good times :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. They just stuck another statement out, seen it on twitter but can't link off me phone.
  19. Not been to the match for over 2 years. But I am like at kid at Christmas waiting for Saturday, when this goes down like, fwoah.
  20. Imagine telling a bloke with cancer to fuck off, when he needs friends around him most.
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