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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. Last 30 seconds of this as our players come back in the tunnel... DONT TAKE ME HOME!!
  2. I read the same tweet. However if Shrewsbury got to the championship, would they have to replace standing with seats?
  3. Diame for only 15mil has to be top. He's like Yaya on roids.
  4. It was fine for me, even when using a proxy the match thread and NO in general was still loading within 2 seconds.
  5. Ste, I even kept it from him. I know Crumpy Gunt as well, and I kept it from him as well. I even remember a conversation when I was picking up a ticket off him where I was trying to convince him that Staveley would be back in for us without giving it away. Do you think you're an undercover spy or something?
  6. His goal against Arsenal was his second in the last 48 PL games you absolute lunatic
  7. He's talented but I'm not sure on his attitude. Having said that, Rafa can probably sort that Albanian meatball out. I'd take him as Haydens replacement. Shaqiri loves the disciplined anchor role.
  8. Stifler you are simultaneously brilliant and a car crash. It's an impressive skill that you should be commended for. However you keep reiterating the bit in bold as if it were news. It's been discussed for months, as it literally cannot be anything other than exciting.
  9. As if someone like Stifler would make contact with a no mark like you. Send me your front door CCTV film or it didn't happen. Watch your letterbox scrub.
  10. I'm waiting for the "Prospective owner comes in peace" thread, where Amanda confirms the lot.
  11. The stadium I think she was evasive on because she doesn’t have any immediate plans for the stadium. Her main focus were clearly the commercial aspects and tracing/academy/facilities. She was also interested in fans hopes and expiration’s for the future, but from her point of view we need to get those other points addressed to move the club forward. Please just show us some evidence. A picture of the letter, a screenshot of your call history, notification of a restraining order. Anything.
  12. She was evasive about stadium expansion, yet happy to blab all this crap to a fan on the phone. Aye.
  13. http://www.visuallearningcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/VLC-letter-reversals-604x270.jpg dEaR AManDA
  14. You could tell people the sky is blue and you'd still get laughed at man Stop. Don’t give a fuck. Would have said something sooner, but would obviously have been laughed at. I just decided to just write messages that she would still come back in for us once the season was over when we the topic came up, look back, it’s what I have done. Obviously things are close to a resolution now, so if you all want to laugh then laugh away. I honestly don’t give a shit. Had about 3 conversations with her, and if she’s usscessful in buying us then I’m excited about our future. Howay then, hoy some evidence up.
  15. You could tell people the sky is blue and you'd still get laughed at man Stop.
  16. Musa made 21 appearances in 18 months, scoring twice and getting zero assists. He's shite.
  17. Hes had as many red cards as goals this season. It's disgraceful.
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