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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. Twinport53


    Don't remember it so not much I can really say That's my point, but with VAR everybody would remember it.
  2. I know i'm going back a few weeks, but if any other manager used shitty metaphors like "Ia chuck all da meats on tha bar-ba-ra-chew" in reference to attacking subs they'd be laughed at. But as it's Carlos 'Comic' Carvalhal, it's hilarious.
  3. Twinport53


    Triggs, there was a point when Kenedy got a slight clip in the box today. Going by your view and VAR it was a pen. Yet the ref and commentator said "it wasn't enough".
  4. Rafa said Perez kept dropping deep and getting too involved with the game. Told him to hold his position at #10 and a chance will come. Que 1-0 Ayoze.
  5. I wonder if Swansea fans are confused when they see him chase down a CM then a LB and all the way back to the GK from our own box. Rafa has converted he's lazy attitude.
  6. He was moving pretty gingerly before he went off.
  7. Rafa - "I've watched him when he still played in Brazil, he has a very good left foot, he's a good professional and a nice lad". Sign him up Rafa.
  8. I feel both of those statements may be some what of an exaggeration
  9. Sotons remaining fixtures are bad. They will probably finish 2nd bottom now.
  10. If Huddersfield lose to Brighton next week they are neck deep in shit. Perfect.
  11. So that's what? 2 goals, 3 assists and he's won a pen and hit the wood work in like 7 games?
  12. Wew wew wew, that's abit low for HTT.
  13. All the bitter Huddersfield fans are ruining your new server, Dave.
  14. Start the 18/19 TITLEOMETER
  15. Think that does us a bit of a disservice. We've passed and moved them all over the place. I agree, I meant we should have nothing to worry about defensively as they are toothless. We could or should be atleast 2 up.
  16. These cunts couldn't beat a 10 man Swansea when given 80 minutes. They have zero intent to attack us.
  17. I love the insight you provide Hope he's areet though.
  18. Didn't realise you'd converted
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