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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--znDFiEhv--/19chfb0n36xg3gif.gif
  2. http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s456/PR0VOST/gif-2-thumbs-up_zps13a5ec2d.gif
  3. Didn't track back Ran less than the goalkeeper once *lick*
  4. Nattfare

    David Squires

    Like it how Squires has called out on Pardew for being such a tool a few times now.
  5. Nattfare

    Image of the week

    Now it's not a bit late anymore.
  6. Nattfare

    Image of the week

  7. Nattfare

    Image of the week

  8. The first thing that popped up in my head when seeing that was the Knights of St. John.
  9. Would be grand if it was Joe Kinnear assisted by
  10. http://www.animateit.net/data/media/august2009/th_Bean-1.gif
  11. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-51878-this-is-fantastic-Im-in-heaven-4QAG.gif
  12. Why does a club with a billionaire owner need a 50m or so overdraft??. Thats like me having 3000 in the bank and needing an overdraft to buy a packet of fags Mark Zuckerberg is worth $50bn... He took a $5m loan when he bought his new home It´s something people just do I guess. Financially it's often easier to do, often it's a legalised way of avoiding tax. Apple are the richest company in the world, they have literally hundreds of billions in reserve (could extend our Metro to the West End), yet they often take out loans to cover operating expenses because they can use their reserves and transfer the money into America and use it to pay the loans off without occurring tax. http://data.whicdn.com/images/63456140/large.gif
  13. Can't be him, the bike wouldn't be able to carry all that weight.
  14. Nattfare


    Not lost it at all think the rest have though but never mind. For a moment I thought it was blowing in here. http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s238/petstarr/manny_1.gif
  15. Is it Nigel Pearson beside Shay Given?
  16. http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t667/jrrtknight/star-trek-nodding_zps1fedb79b.gif
  17. http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/a2bb2048-55b3-42be-bf2d-a7d0dd5b9659/fb15979f-e4bc-4595-9405-3cc958979bfc.jpg
  18. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxrvutn6ie1qzls9ro1_400.gif
  19. He's not a nice guy if he's lying.
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