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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. staking that amount means he's fucked
  2. I'd love it, love it Rafa can be frustrating at times but i agree he has brought the love back for this club. Ashley has a big job to do in the summer, it starts with helping Rafa secure 17th, then we go again and build. Make no mistake it will take fortunes to stay up. If we go up
  3. This! Don't forget how they went on when we were relegated last season or in 2009 for that matter! A Hull win today would be delightful as it would put these lot 12 points from safety albeit with two games in hand! I was praying Boro sent them down.cant happen.they are gone, zero chance of staying up, at last.
  4. Pretty much this Stop lying man. If we win our next two we'll all be willing on Bristol City to get something there no matter what we say about 'just wanting promotion'. Honestly couldnt give a fuck mate
  5. never really bothered about Brightons results for weeks now, they deserve to win it tbh simply cant be arsed to care about tonight
  6. awww look trying to cheer themselves up https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-mag-delusion.1353619/page-5 https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/newcastle-have-received-a-phone-call.1353821/
  7. who on earth would be in a Johnson camp the horrible cunt
  8. Same 4-5 bellends who will think going down wont be so bad and they will piss the leeeeg.same shite they said we came out with,;hypocritical cunts. Some decent posters having a go but in truth the nonce lovers are defending it cos he was once a red n white. Makes me sick
  9. I dont get it with those fuckers on there, posters openly defending him Thst horrible nonce loving cunt Dangernonce should be banned instantly, how they let him get away with it is beyond me, that forum is stooping to new levels. Hate the cunts and are gonna get everything they deserve
  10. might get lynched but i think the blaydon races is shite and sounds cringey as fuck. wish the morons would get the crowd into it with some tunes that we all get into this would liven it up
  11. You're very naive then. He's from Huddersfield. Not sure whether or not he supports them (He's not allowed to referee them) but he'll have many friends and family members who are Huddersfield fans if nowt else and it's a huge game for them as well. It's an unnecessary appointment which puts the referee in an awkward position. seen it all before, lets just fucking beat the shit out of them
  12. If we go up its job done, if anyone complains they can fuck off man. one more win, i think
  13. Assuming that Huddersfield just get a point against Fulham, they'll be on 79 points with only 9 left to play for. So we beat Preston then we'll be on 88 points. That's the maximum Huddersfield can get and they'll lose out to our superior GD. So we're up on Monday night football on Sky after a win. Whatever Reading do on Saturday will be irrelevant with us winning on Monday. So Saturday is the all important day. We can't go up with a winton Monday if Huddersfield win against Fulham. But we wouldn't "officially" be up? No?
  14. So the above happens are we "officially" up? Do we do the whole champagne , pitch invasion thing? Am i right in thinking only a defeat for Hudders and a win for us will make it "official" ?
  15. So im confused. If Hudders dont win and we do v Preston we are promoted? Or is it "technically we aren't" ? So do we celerbrate like pitch invasion , champagne, players on the shoulders job Say if above plays out? Or do we "technically " have to wait??
  16. The sheer fact is this guy gives you his all. Hes no world beater but him and Shelvey are our 2 shining light together with Clark/Gayle the rest arent good enough for next season. Yes thats 4 id keep if i had to choose, the rest in my opinion are not up to it
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