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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Woeful performance, beaten by the much better team . The only saving grace was that Hudders defeat.move on Still should be ok
  2. My take...... we were outbattled, we were a group who thought they were but actually werent that good. We were shite
  3. Great scoreline at Forest. We are fucking going back up
  4. Anybody else not really bothered about Brighton? I dont really watch them, i look at Hudders tbh
  5. With Moyes at the helm they have zero chance. They are going down and could be fucked for years, great
  6. to be fair they hijacked this the last time we attempted it when the money couldnt be raised, so we started it ffs
  7. nee way im giving some random my money like. bad idea but they are doing it so crack on. we should have stayed silent and donated the money, i'd rather they still did that tbh call it off, we are just putting a needles grand in the hand of some crop duster
  8. you aren't allowed, its happening im afraid
  9. Or this............. WE JUST BURST OUT LAUGHING
  10. i would just put this ................. MOYES
  11. well if the flyover is happening and the money is raised theres fuck all point of moaning, its bantz. interesting what would be on the banner mind?
  12. just don't lose keep picking up points will get us over the line, vintage football has passed us by, its a war now fuck me, its nearly the end of the season, let get it done, Burton are 9/1 on betfair, hmmm i say 1-1
  13. the flyover is definitely happening like. how do you know?
  14. Wow what a world of shit they are in. Never mind 6inarow/weerelegatedyew is the cry
  15. Im gloating at their demise.they will be in deep shit now as a club.administration looks a gimmee
  16. https://www.facebook.com/events/719923148169272/ Haha a protest.the fucking melons
  17. Party time...............these are fucking relegated moyes
  18. Just got in from work.these beat again Just die Sunlun Surely they are gone
  19. fuck me he's still there, thank fuck
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