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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. tbf sounds like we would be winning if the linesman did his job properly just the way we set up mate
  2. Touchdown in the Midlands but cant go ffs. Seen a few coaches on the way down which made me twitch even more. HTL
  3. im in Coventry today and the tickets sell out i'm not going in the away end mind
  4. He 's a fucking idiot Johnson sympathiser making himself look like a cock. He fits in well. He's been very invested in "We're in the league above playing with the best in England and Newcastle are in a joke of a lower league and that's absolutely all that matters" all season. Can't see how that might bite him on the arse. Moyes he fucked up there anarl.
  5. Massive must win match for these cunts today, please make them not win it. Imagine if they lose
  6. Id like us to go and put this to bed now, Hudders were fucking shite last night and it will be criminal for them to overtake us from here. Anything today is a step closer, lose and it just ramps up the self doubts.Birmingham really are shite anarl.
  7. i wont breathe easy till it full time, these have form as do Hudders. hudders have looked dog shit mind, they still have a game in hand remember, but lets just wait.
  8. agree, i think they are certainties 0-3
  9. As big as our game this.howay Bristol
  10. just noticed Hudders playing tonight massive game for us this one, we could do with Bristol getting a point is it on TV?
  11. He 's a fucking idiot Johnson sympathiser making himself look like a cock. He fits in well.
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