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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Not this cunt again.he can rot
  2. They are nailed on to beat Burnley, its how they roll. If they dont they may as well pack up and forget it. Make no mistake its a must win this time, remember Norwich last year? They always pull these out of the bag so i expect a win, they will stay bottom though
  3. The atmosphere is because of the type of crowd.lots of women around me, oldies and families, lots of "lads" dont go now.
  4. He's been a terrific signing.for me Shelvey is player of the season, simply because we are dog shit without him
  5. Bournemouth look safe now. Its 3 from 4 Palarse still have a very difficult run in and i see them in trouble.The dream of them , Boro and the Mackems is very much ON.
  6. not gonna happen though is it?, too much of a one directional manager, not willing to change his outlook. Nah, I don't think he's one dimensional but more meticulous. I don't think he'll try anything else as a base formation until he's happy that the players know their roles and duties in that formation perfectly. He's very one dimentional.its been like this all season.it wont change
  7. struggling championship table 1: Newcastle United :lol:
  8. they wiped the floor with us yesterday mind, first time for a while ive seen that. class apart to be fair
  9. If we are in the playoffs I won't bother following to save me from the misery. It's top 2 or bust. i agree, we will bottle it, its in our culture, its how we go. still in our hands man , relax, yesterday was a right wake up call to them, lets roar the bastards up
  10. So you know better than Rafa? Remind me who sits top of the league? Managed by whom? Absurd logic which only gives credence to rival fans who accuse of a Messiah complex. Rafa doesn't change, whinge if you want, just accept it and crack on............we got well beat yesterday by an infinitely better side , deal with it. He has us on target, on top, stop fucking moaning
  11. the amount of times no fucker ran beyond him on the long ball was criminal and baffling, or the players are fucking thick
  12. So you know better than Rafa? Remind me who sits top of the league? Managed by whom?
  13. So if we go into playoffs you are at a 10? Good luck with that
  14. fuck all to do with the crowd, we get behind the team if they do the basic of putting it in, today everything they did fucked up
  15. why do you want them to make the payoff? imagine having to play them? its quite possible anarl
  16. Hull and Bournemouth winning is a disaster for them yet they will still think it's been a good day for them, cos of us daft cunts
  17. 9 games left , would you have taken this at the start of the season? yes. today is no surprise, im still right behind the club, we are in a great position, its annoying hudders and brighton keep fucking winning like HTL
  18. just got in, outplayed and out thought players and staff. hats off to Fulham, they made us look second rate. poor
  19. this points guessing is a waste of fucking time man, give it up ffs
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