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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Tbf i agree, in the past we and they done fuck all. But back then we didnt have forums, i do think they fuel these things in the modern era, when i was growing up i never knew what mackems were about except from the derby away matches, i just hated the cunts , now i hate them more because of a wanky mag obssesed forum...weird i just resent the shite they spout. Football is a funny old game
  2. Bet Northumbria Police are loving that We played Leeds the other season when they had at least 2x the allocation, I'm sure they'll cope. yes but its a good friday, easter weekend, they can arrive here early and be on the piss all day..........think it will be ok though, bit of bother but probably nowt startling
  3. Liable to get another howking this weekend though. On a bad run already, can't defend; hard one to turn around. Key for those down the bottom is who has games at home to Stoke, West Ham, Watford, Saints in the run in. bit early for these predictions?
  4. maybe, but it just being thrown out there "if "it happened, no harm and tbh i still expect them to get out of it.
  5. they get on me fucking tits man, its like you arent allowed to hate/have a bit of banter against them.......you watch the usual will be around soon.
  6. tbh we don't need an idea, i would support it if it ever got off the ground but silence is golden
  7. :lol: fucking hell man you miserable fucker, it wont happen man theres not enough off us. is the op a mongoloid or just me you bellend
  8. fuck off man it would be class, im in its banter, i dont get this bring them down their level shit...........admit we were fizzing when they did it, they'd be the same get the fucker done if it happens
  9. i see the Leeds game is now 745pm kickoff on Good Friday there will be fucking hell on
  10. Its getting worse, they need to rename the site as its a Newcastle forum now , the bitter cunts. Last night shut the fuckers up for a bit
  11. Very much a 9 now.last night was massive, we are in the box seat,this pressure is keeping the lads at it. I was convinced we'd fuck this up after going one down, but im gonna be more positive, we are in a great position now.
  12. Must admit to bed wetting last night, its cos i so want this club back up, we have no right to do it, that i know but when Rafa starts Goofy up top it just looked all wrong. Im done with being a fanny Last night we stepped up to the mark.i was proud of the club , the fans and happy for Rafa, he got away with it.
  13. Pressure all on Hudders for this one, if we take a point then we are as good as up, lose and its not a killer, win and we are up. These are the defining games, we stepped up last night and rightly got something in the end, this will be tough but id not bet against us winning this. Positive from now on, lets win this anarl
  14. Great post.....summed up perfectly. Credit to the lads, Rafa fucked up but changed it, albeit late, he got away with it imho. Still a massive win , massive, and on to Hudders where if we draw its job done for me and we should go up. Brilliant turnaround from a shite start, loads of bedwetting, and a few vodkas too many. Happy days
  15. has he fuck man You're watching the same game, yeah? yes you tool, he's not a fucking CF where he's been playing all night, thats not his game, give him a break.............RAFAS FAULT FACT
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