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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Yep he got the winner but Rafa gambled keeping him on yesterday. I like Mitro but yesterday showed why no manager can trust him.
  2. It cant happen can it? Relegation for..... Palarse, Smogs and these? Imagine that
  3. Gibson did ok actually. They were the better team for the first half hour but the Saints took the chance and then controlled it.The results may have meant not too much damage on the face of it but mentally it will hurt them.still bottom , another game gone and fuck me how those fans abandoned ship on 75mins.
  4. Not convinced getting subbed at half time is going to get his confidence up. Reckon he's done here personally. last game, last touch..a goal?
  5. What exactly did he do wrong for yellow? didnt go for the ball, 2nd time, backed into his man after being warned 5 mins earlier...........are you watching ? You are on something, he did nothing wrong for the yellow, it wasn't even a foul, are you watching really? ya wrong, lets just disagree , imho he is lucky to be on...........but thank fook
  6. What exactly did he do wrong for yellow? didnt go for the ball, 2nd time, backed into his man after being warned 5 mins earlier...........are you watching ?
  7. Mitro, first yellow deserved, 2nd yellow he left his foot in . why on earth is anyone defending him, needs subbed now, utter shite sick of giving him chances
  8. You're shit. he's one nudge from making us play with 10 you gimp, fuck right off
  9. still on Rafa you need to get him offfffffffffffffffffffffffff howay man
  10. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/sue-me-its-a-newcastle-match-thread.1329838/ who's this daft cunt? they don't care though
  11. arsenal are huffing n puffing, hull could get something here
  12. me too i think he's been royally fucked over behind closed doors, his dignity has kept him , he will go in my opinion. too much smoke around on this
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