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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. no it rests on Mr. Shelvey , we are rank shite without him, he's the key, him and a strong defence
  2. look after ourselves , we are top of the league, 6 points clear effectively, hudders will drop points. relax, it was never gonna be easy unlike what some other fans of other clubs would say. we will have a better idea in 3 weeks where this will go
  3. getting back to normal stuff, big game Hudders v Reading be fantastic if the Royals can get something
  4. On all known form this is a banker Cant see anything but.
  5. Just back, horrible 1st half and a controlled second. Yedlin and Diame played well and its a nice 3 points against these horrible cunts who yet again caused trouble after the match, they really do hate us and but for a heavy police line it would have got very nasty, its every time they come now. Happy with the win, awful game.move on.
  6. Just walked past Calderwood on the quayside, full tracksuit wanker. Must be staying in the Copthorne. Reet moody cunt
  7. watching Killi v Aberdeen and i can't get used to artificial pitches, it just seems wrong. the whole atmosphere is like a reserve game
  8. just seen this is on Sky Ripe for these twats to hit form, love a win here , love it.
  9. Panic if we lose and keep losing, win monday and we are back top.leeds drawing was a good result, hudders have another game to play after today and reading are shite. Its in our hands
  10. Wednesday are 11 (now 8) points behind and we' have 2 games in hand on them. haven't got them on my mind tbh...........reading , leeds, hudders, brighton and us....2 up from that
  11. This squad would struggle in the premiership as it stands, doesn't matter who the manager. We sold our best players after relegation and mostly replaced them with championship players. We need a real injection of quality to set us apart from the dross in the lower half of the premier right now.
  12. i tend to watch Hudders, Reading and Leeds results, us and Brighton seem to match each other so far below lies a danger
  13. 2 away games and 4 points with back to back home games coming up. Top o the league still Lets fucking have this 10
  14. Sounds like we played well.feel its a missed 3 points and all the fooking other results went against us in the end ffs. Still we can do fuck all about that. Not used to draws
  15. Why do you care about them so much? Why do you care i care? Creep, if you dont like dont comment man, weirdo Your obsession with them is the only weird thing here. Heard it all before and like i said if you dont like dont read.couldnt give a shite what you think, dont look in the thread then?
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