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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Right on cue. They do it to cheer themselves up.So predictable
  2. Big teams dont rely on him staying injury free.we need others to help out.we will make 1 signing imho.its all thats needed for now.
  3. " our fans " " a mag the other day" "When we relegated the mags" Just 3 of the regular threads they re hash. Bet theres 3 around at the minute
  4. They just start shite on us when its all going wrong for them to try and cheer themselves up, they just cant face looking like anything like us. The fucking idiots on there cant be like most Sunderland fans, they are brainwashed day in day out.that site is getting worse, utter bullshit every day.
  5. Cheers, canny, watched the full bbc highlights and its even more the Jonjo show. What a difference having a forward thinking midfielder
  6. Been in bed ill all night and missed everything ffs. Watched goal highlights and boy oh boy you can tell the main man is back!! Take a bow Jonjo. What was the crowd lads?
  7. but we don't abuse players, managers etc, we don't act like the Mags, we are the best fans in the world :lol: the fucking irony when they say it, cunts.
  8. imagine getting beat off Burnley reserves
  9. ipswich, 11/10 good things, bet of the year
  10. me too, keeps them tired and more chances of injuries evil i know
  11. i don't think anyone is saying they are down, me included, we all know they find a way............my point is that the sign arent very good for many reasons. however these spunk muppetts seem to wriggle out of it every year, i will crow when the go, not until
  12. And bailed out for Palace, slapped Rafa in the face, we brought him back to life. Fuck him ..not wanted or needed
  13. Stoke was a cunt result....unlucky Moyes
  14. I don't hate anyone because of who they support. It's football for God's sake let's keep it in context man. Reserve your hate for people who truly deserve it. I also don't have to imagine being a Mackem, I am one. It's pretty much the same as being a Scouser, a Geordie, a Smoggie etc. We are only what we are by an accident of birth. If you were born in Sunderland you'd be a Mackem. If I were born in Newcastle I'd be a Geordie. Anyway...we were terrible on Saturday. We surely have to flush this year Yes you were shit, Stoke as a lot of teams who have come to the SOS have outplayed yous,the hump it into space for Defoe isnt working as your midfield cant defend. As to the rest of your post,in football terms i hate mackems, theres no inbetween im afraid, but just in tribal context. The fans forum RTG is populated by a bunch of breathen fannies who hate everything black n white, change views like the wind, blatant lie, spout the same shite day in day out ..... SEND FUCKING FLOWERS TO WIFES OF MANAGERS GET A WHIP-ROUND NOT ONCE BUT TWICE TO HIRE A PLANE TO FLY OVER OUR GROUND GET UP IN THE EARLY HOURS TO HANG FLAGS OFF THE TYNE BRIGE. Yet claim us to be their world Sima and the rest who venture on to it just please give it up, let them stew, feeeewwm. Fuck The Mackems.
  15. its pointless trying to argue with the cunts, i can understand newcastle fans wanting to stand up to the shite but ffs they can't reason with you, its just pure tribal hate. and quite simply whats the point, they hate us, we hate them you'd never win man its a place for them imagine being a mackem
  16. Imagine living your life constantly thinking about your local rivals? the banter that sima is having in that thread. That thread is just vile. I know Sima is trying to be rational with them but what's the point? If you were in the same bar or place as those inbred fuckwits you'd just give them a wide berth,not try to engage with them, so why bother on a forum? On a brighter note Terry's Chippie is back on there today. Class! fucking hell Sima man, keep away from the stupid cunts, i admire his stance but honestly don't wast ya time on the bastards, we will have our day, very soon i hope.if no newcastle fans post on there they'd hate it soon
  17. id still have those shit wipes over those two the mackems bought.at least they have the ability to turn a game in them( somewhere)
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