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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. they have all weekend to stew, no signings yet, and Spurs up next, shame Kane looks doubtful now
  2. is this still bumbling along?
  3. Thinking this will be a draw.back to ours and then job done. 1-1
  4. £50 on the liverpool match........draw 14/5 :'( i fucking give up me dad always said..."last minute goals never go for you" i want to hit something
  5. £100 pw Greggs gift card would do him champion
  6. I think we all know that, im expecting it.
  7. Performing well like. They've responded superb this season to the play off loss. Would be happy for us and Brighton to both go up. I like Hughton. Top bloke. He's got my respect. Absolutely, we really dont need to look at them, they arent a problem to the end game.
  8. Oh look a thread on Brighton going top, so predictable. Lets find something to laugh at our neighbours cos we are a laughing stock and its not fair
  9. long way to go but its not looking good for them, as ever fingers crossed but they usually find a way
  10. why fucking fret over top spot ffs, as long as we go up, who will give a chuff? said it for ages man, the goal is promotion
  11. they are the laughing stock of the PL
  12. If he played as an out and out winger/forward I'd be more unhappy. He's useless as a left back. I've lost count of the amount of goals he's costs us. We're going down whether he stays or goes. Moyes gave up before we'd played our 3rd game and I'm struggling to think of a more uninspiring Sunderland manager. His interview last week must have really motivated the players. Winston Churchill eat your heart out. Moyes
  13. As someone who is currently proof reading reports, this sentence structure annoys me chill out man, its the internet
  14. We play QPR 4 days after this and Derby 3 days after that fuck me im going round the bend
  15. I'm not too bothered about PVA. He's a liability at the back. he's ya second best player ffs
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