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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. You've got to be joking, like. They weren't great but we basically had 2 chances and took them both. Leeds missed theirs. Dont get that like.we controlled the game from start to finish.they were utter shite
  2. 0-7 win Lascelles first goal scorer 1000/1 ' £5 come on
  3. simple as this, we want fucked if we fuck this up
  4. a bit like them then , that site needs nuked
  5. I think folk need to ask themselves this question. Would you have taken our situation at the halfway mark at the start of the season? We have played some average footy of late and make no mistake Shelvey has been a huge miss, but he's back soon and the squad was good enough to look like we'd waltz it not long ago.So lets not panic and believe the end game will happen.
  6. they are one of a clump now, so only just one to keep an eye on tbh
  7. fuck me if we don't get out of here it will be tragic, Reading are fucking gash
  8. zero fucks given for this tbh, i Shola playing
  9. I remember, when we used to sit in the government yard in Trenchtown Yeah me too
  10. no shelvey= no chance 2-1 with a late goal to little to late. this is what its become
  11. I wish people would realise that the atmosphere tends to follow the performance on the pitch. If we're playing well, it's a good atmosphere. If we're not, then it's not a great one. That was further evidenced yesterday where the atmosphere was great initially but then died down, similar to the team. same at Blackburn
  12. shit like what you tool? my pic was from the bbc website, is that aloud? are we aloud to laugh at them?
  13. This. We desperately need him back but at the same time we need a couple of flair players bought this January just in case he gets injured or suspended again. It's shit that we are pinning all our hopes on getting Promotion on Shelvey. or calls someone something nasty
  14. http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/480/cpsprodpb/vivo/live/images/2017/1/8/e686ea57-184c-49d0-83d6-6d0d45a28805.jpg the clip of this daft cunt
  15. the only positive thing he did was not give away a goal, a cheese sandwich of a player
  16. that was fucking shocking, we are a total one man team, we literally created nothing in that second half, shocking
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