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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. 3,200 Rotherham fans today. Should be a good atmosphere.
  2. While this is true, I think people are full of shit when they say they actively wanted Brighton the win today. It's too enjoyable seeing us at the top of the league. Not when you think about it, i was wanting a draw ideally. Its all about the end game. Win enough and it becomes irrelevant, then we can want Brighton to lose.
  3. What from that joke club? Fuck them man.the worm is turning, they hate their existance.we dont
  4. good result, if you cant see it then you just havent got a clue
  5. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/rotherham-at-home.1321514/page-2 be careful for what you wish for
  6. not even a foul, eyes totally on the ball
  7. dont get too radjee, the more these teams are away from the top 2 the better think about it, the end game is promotion...1st or 2nd
  8. Ive noticed this season that the bookies offer odds on obvious "wins" as too good to be true.and usually turn out right. Odds look too good
  9. they have no money, nothing surprises me, who'd go there? its all good news, and lets hope the injuries don't clear up soon. they must get something tomorrow, its a must
  10. Hes not the most gifted player,i hate "bang average" as a term but he is, and if paying £12 million to get us over the line for him works its job done. Anything just to make sure we go up.we need it.
  11. If true, i'd say the Mirror's article today has decreased the chance's of it happening. If they're not willing to loan him out, I can't see us willing to pay £13m for him. Not in this window anyways. Rafa gets what he wants and he wants someone badly
  12. Until we are above them they do
  13. No...just dont post on the cretin of a site.up to them but fuck me they are too stupid to have a discussion with.
  14. I disagree, the ones who weirdly do it seem level headed. I just hate seeing us trying to be mates with them, they hate us. Plus they have all the bragging rights tbh, but it will turn, it will turn. But i agree, just leave the cunts to it, Midds did it.
  15. This is gathering pace. Its gonna happen isnt it?
  16. I posted on there responding to them referring to us as a yoyo club. he responses are like thumping your head against a wall. When i pointed out that wed been relegated 4 times in near 50 years and no where near as much as they have. The response was stop living in the past. A hypocritical response from the same cunts that churn out 9-1,playoffs,6 in a row, we relegated the mags blah blah blah There is just no reasoning with these super braindead dead inbred retards Serious question why the fuck are you on there? You will never reason or be their mate, just say they are all a bunch of wankers who cant accept they live in a shit hole that no fucker in Britain likes.
  17. they can't fucking help themselves https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-grass-isnt-always-greener.1321026/
  18. its like its inbred, they are so easy to read on RTG, and its still so fucking evident they have a massive chip on tha shoulders
  19. Obsessed Sometimes you just have to remember what level of humanity you're dealing with there. Below are the comments of a beleaguered mackem on RTG after the Burnley match on Tuesday. You'd think having got away almost scot-free from the football authorities and media for knowingly playing a paedophile in their team they'd keep quiet about it, but no it seems they still celebrate their nonce hero. Little wonder most decent or sane supporters gave up on them ages ago. Powder puff 11, couldn't pass to one another, only communicated with exasperated outstretched arms to each other, young uns singing about a sex offender who shags who he wants, nee meat and potato pies left. Signs of acrimony at the players and manager at the end. I could go on. Never happened, never, ever, nope
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