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Everything posted by BergenMagpie

  1. Drop Diame back, send colback to Auschwitz and get Perez or Mitro/Murphy on in halftime and thing should get better.
  2. Our left hand side will cause them all kind of problems. 5-0
  3. Feeling pretty confident for this one and Ive lumped some money on us so I reckon Reading will get a result
  4. Must be easier to avoid traffic jams on the way home if you wait until the game is over than if you leave early at SoL
  5. Totally agree and I cant wait for him to burn in hell, but I am sure that you would have defended him the same way if I told you I was unhappy with some of his tactics in a game we ended up winning in 11/12. I just think it must be allowed to come with some remarks about a manager in a game his team ends up winning the same way you could say "bar Diames wondergoal he played like a two-legged donkey" about a player. Anyways, I dont want it to look like I care too much about this than I do. Was reasonably happy with the first half as we created a couple good chances from the wings, but it was obvious that we needed a more natural goalscorer than gouffran up top. I think it was wrong to wait until the 75th minute (especially after the way we played in the 2nd half up to the 75th min) and let the effect of the (very good) substitution only get 15 mins to turn around a game against the leagues best defence where they were 1-0 up at home. Happy about the way it turned around though and it will be one of the most memorable games from this season along with 4-3 against Norwich. Way more confident about the Huddesfield game now than before, but I hope we will never see Gouffran starting as a lone striker unless its against some shit cupteam.
  6. it's absolutely f***ing nothing like when we finished 5th mind, nothing I didnt mean this season overall, but the concept of most people pulling out their hairs and screaming for him to make a substitution to thinking its perfectly fine just because we won (despite it being in an extremely lucky way) We wont get that lucky in the PL so when we are in desperate need of a substitution I hope he wont keep waiting until the 75th/80th minute I didnt want to start a big discussion about it. Love Rafa and Im extremely happy with where he's taking us, but I was extremely annoyed between the 45th-75th minute on Tuesday
  7. Why does he deserve criticism for leaving it late if it worked out perfectly? It did work out perfectly, but it certainly didnt look sustainable. Simulate the game 1000 times with early substitutions and compare it to 1000 simulations with late substitutions and Im sure we'd have many more points in total with the early subs. We didnt create anything for 30 mins in the 2nd half and were lucky not to concede any more goals during this time. Its kinda like when we finished 5th. Many shit games, but as long as we won any criticism of pards was totally unpopular - even though it was obviously not sustainable scoring on all the few chances we had and clearing 2-3 balls of the line every match. Like i said; I love Rafa, but he could be a bit less stubborn some times.
  8. Happy to win and over the moon that we have Benitez, but he still deserve some criticism for waiting that long with the subs yesterday. Murphy on for Colback was on-point, but totally obvious and shouldve happened at half time. Almost left it too late and we are lucky that Darlow bailed us out on a couple occasions and that we scored that lucky goal to open the game up enough in order to grab the 89th minute winner. Hope we wont see Colback or Gouffran against Huddesfield now
  9. Word. Especially considering we usually have Gouffran in that position running around like a headless chicken, incapable of doing anything but cutting in and playing some safe colbackesque pass that creates fuck all going forward. Atsu is doing very well considering he's not had a long spell in the team. As I said earlier, he'd probably have 2-3 more assists if he wasnt relying on players like Mitro/Gouffran getting into the right positions during the last two games. Think he got some undeserved stick for his attempt right before half time yesterday too. In some situations all you can ask is that they hit the ball hard, clean and on target. That was pretty much one of them and it was just unlucky that it went straight on their keeper. We should definitely exercise our option to buy him as we always play some garbage on the wings, but I do hope we sign some quality winger and use Atsu as backup next season
  10. Same happened against Bristol City on Saturday. So over 5 days we sub this useless cunt off twice in losing positions with 0 goals scored, turning the games around to pick up 4 points and scoring 4 goals in only 42 mins total playtime
  11. Watched it like 50 times. Love that half of the Brighton fans start cheering from Atsus attempt then go into utter misery
  12. Creates a lot of big chances for us every game. So much more of a winger than gouffran. If Gayle had been playing the last games he'd probably have 2-3 more assists
  13. Finally. Way to late though. Rafa can be way to stubborn sometimes!
  14. Need Murphy to come on for Diame or Gouffran. Need someone who can smell where the ball will drop and get into the right place to the right time. These two useless cunts are just crossing their fingers
  15. Dominating them now. Why cant we play like this from the get go? Gotta capitalize on this pressure though
  16. 16 Bournemouth 38 -23 34 17 Leicester 38 -22 33 18 Sunderland 38 -29 32 19 Crystal Palace 38 -23 30 20 Middlesbrough 38 -17 27 Tried that myself and got this scenario, but since its that close ill still fancy them to find a way of staying up. Palace got a world of tough games incoming
  17. maybe, but the dirty f***ers deliberate stamp on the keepers heel should have been a straight red.........idiotic thing to do
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