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  1. And the fact everyone conveniently glosses over club legend George Graham taking loads of bungs.
  2. SteV


    Subs: For Me Like
  3. At least you realised. Would have felt worse (although not been any financially worse) had you handed to the conductor and they’d pointed it out.
  4. SteV


    One day I desperately want the BBC, Sky or whoever, to get Fender on to do a cup draw. The place would explode.
  5. Probably be next week now, but common sense has us on the Tuesday and the other game on the Wednesday, for the first leg anyway. Common sense not always guaranteed to be used though…
  6. Yeah looks it, unless they do something unnecessarily funky.
  7. Need to complain to the brewery about that tbh
  8. https://www.youtube.com/live/B8rlz-LXjo0?si=1rphzEtB50k7xzO_
  9. Doubt they’d risk him. Eddie hinting Kraft might be back though.
  10. How would you rank these draws in preference? (i’m just going to assume Spurs beat Man Utd because I think they will) 1 - Arsenal (H/A) 2 - Arsenal (A/H) 3 - Liverpool (H/A) 4 - Liverpool (A/H) 5 - Spurs (H/A) 6 - Spurs (A/H) For me it’d be: 6 2 5 4 1 3
  11. Seems a nice bloke for kiddie fiddling, granny touching, horse shagger.
  12. It’s probably light relief from having to decipher Ryder making the simplest of questions almost incomprehensible.
  13. Estimated away allocations for SF: Arsenal - 6k Liverpool - 6k Spurs - 6.2k Man Utd - 7.5k
  14. No, you’re right. They’re both suspended for the first leg.
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