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Shadow Puppets

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  1. I believe there was a small allocation set aside for corporate clients, and that’s all.
  2. Home strip could be controversial this year. Third strip is the best. Inspired by a classic but not a literal remake (not like this year). Just same / similar colour scheme as a 90s kit, with trefoil 👍🏻 Away kit is super boring.
  3. Without wanting to rain on your parade, last I heard there was basically no hospitality left.
  4. Add into that the fact that you have to buy the box (that you already have the yearly contract for) for every cup game separately (minimum of £3500 per game depending on box size), under the proviso that buying the box for cup games will secure you tickets to the final / semi finals at Wembley should we get there... then yeah... I can absolutely see why they'd be pissed off.
  5. It's not as simple as that, actually. The tickets have been dished out on a "per contract" basis. Some local companies/families have multiple boxes / hospitality tickets... I can think of one off the top of my head who has a 22 seater box + 16 seater + 8 other seats in hospitality elsewhere, and they've been given an allocation of 4 tickets in total for Wembley as it's under one contract. Which is fucking stupid to be honest. There's a lot of genuine, long term, loyal fans in amongst that who will miss out. I've said it before and I'll say it again, as many of you know I work for a company and manage one of the boxes at St James, and the company I manage it for are just a family for the most part... a family who had season tickets for the best part of 30 years before their company became successful enough to move over to a box. A 12 seater box, 8 seats of which are filled every week by previous long term season ticket holders who gave up their seats to move into a box after becoming more successful... why wouldn't they deserve tickets to Wembley? I would hazard a guess that the comfortable majority of boxes are taken up by people in similar situations. The real crime amongst all of that is that the allocation that hospitality clients should have isn't going back to the general fanbase... but is instead going to sponsors... Adidas, SportsBet, Sela etc... as if they need them.
  6. Agreed it seems like an odd choice. In my opinion, if you're going to take allocation away from seasonal hospitality clients (who are, in the vast majority, proper NUFC fans who just happen to have a bit more money / a business), that allocation should be going to the general match going public. What's the benefit at all of giving a load (over half) to sponsors?
  7. Just so you know, seasonal hospitality clients have also had their allocation more than halved (I.e. people with boxes). Last time around, each box got the same number of seats for Wembley as their box held. So if you had an 8-seater, you’d get 8 tickets etc. This time it is a maximum of 4, regardless of box size. Even 16 and 22 seater boxes are only being allowed to take 4, which is causing a bit of (unnecessary IMO) uproar. That in itself sits fine and well with me, but the seats that are no longer going to hospitality clients are NOT going to the general fan base / ST holders… annoyingly they’re going to sponsors. Addidas, Sports Bet, Sela etc. They’ve all taken a chunk.
  8. I’m really sworn to secrecy, but I think you guys will like them. I do, at least. Love love love the third kit.
  9. I have seen the new strips but sworn to secrecy. Think you’re going to love (or hate depending on your historical opinions) the third strip 😁
  10. Is there a display planned @Heron? (Other than the scarves)
  11. 2 weeks away according to the horses mouth.
  12. In the last 10-15 mins, he was flinging his arms around like a toddler having a tantrum every time someone didn't pass to him or do something he approved of.
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