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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. "£5k says I don't make a single sub." Tonali, "you're on man "
  2. Lovely move again. We have had the better of the passing moves despite barely having the ball.
  3. We could give Fulham Alan Pardew's contract worth of time and they still wouldn't score.
  4. Fulham are shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite.
  5. "WELL IT IS GOING TO BE GIVEN." You sound upset, Lee?
  6. Oh I'm sorry, I mean "a rare attack." Fuck you Lee.
  7. Miley never tackles with his full force. Hope he starts getting stuck in sooner rather than later.
  8. It is time to send Dan Burn to the glue factory. Give us Tino.
  9. Fulham are just pressing us really well. And some of our players aren't great under pressure (Burn, Longstaff, Murphy).
  10. Commentary now suggesting that we somehow make this a Champions League fixture and then retroactively disallow the goal.
  11. London calling not exactly the most inspirational tune to walk out to.
  12. Weird that I'm not as down as the board in a game
  13. Can VAR look at that? Dangerous as fuck by Tete, the cunt.
  14. Absolutely lush defending by Trippier. Miley has a knack of winning tackles but the ball ending up with an opponent
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