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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. Dickhead in goal for Villa trying to land his studs on Schar there.
  2. Thing is, there is precedent for CMs who breakthrough very early: they burn out early. I hope he is looked after.
  3. Like, he's a really smart player. You can tell that he has seen what the optimum play is very early when he gets the ball. And when he has the time and space, he always executes the optimum pass. Sometimes when things are a little more pressured, he is very keen to keep it safe and secure and will dismiss the optimum play that would properly open up the opposition in favour of a safe possession retaining pass. I think that's what Howe is asking and Miley is smart enough to be able to deliver what is wanted. But I really want to see him unleashed, cos I reckon he's gonna set the world alight eventually.
  4. I keep thinking that he is falling well short of his capability, so he is either playing well within himself or this is what he is going to offer in his career. I'm still firmly in the former camp, so fingers crossed he releases the shackles sooner rather than later.
  5. I think Krafth had the goal covered anyway.
  6. Only a B+ performance from the fans so far. Need to get an Antoine Sibierski song out or they've fallen short.
  7. Tino and Miley playing so conservatively. Lads, just fucking play.
  8. "I want a Fulham goal." Lee not holding back.
  9. Dubravka always shits himself when he has to leave his line. Bless.
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