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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad


    How many times does that little f***ing thing have to stop to refuel  en route from San Fran to Newcastle




    Theres no way that thing has a range of that far


    Small plane, smaller fuel tank. Same as big truck, big fuel tank or the way that babies don't need as much food as a 14 stone man.


    Struggling to put this in any simpler way. :lol:

  2. Top work, Darth. :thup:


    Also, sorry if it's already been posted but



    So basically what The Telegraph said, but now with the date 31st instead of before January.


    Such riveting journalism.


    Reeks how no one but Luke Edwards (apparently anyway) knew about this, now they're all on it. Northern Echo too.


    So Craig Hope slagged Luke Edwards last night and is now jumping on the story, class reporting


    i wont believe any of this until there's a tanned bloke/wife holding a black and white scarf on the pitch

    "'Tanned Bloke"?! Are you going to be like those Man City fans who were running around with tea towels on their heads when Mansour bought their club?

  3. Amazing how much he has regressed. He used to be so much better and actually got past players and finished decently.


    Yeah, he's gone from his peak when he was really, really s*** to now where it's difficult to conceive how he could be a worse footballer.


    Alright. You're a great addition to the conversations here.


    So true, just calls everyone absolute s*** etc.  No constructive analysis or criticism.


    That's because everything is shit as long as the FCB is here. And until he goes, no good can come from investing any energy in the club.


    I'd rather he renamed the club SDFC and moved them out of town. At least then everyone could move on.

  4. Whatever formation that removes the need to play Dummett is good for me, like. Was impressed that we looked like a footballing side on Monday and had players that were not s*** scared of the ball.


    Ritchie is an intelligent player, and it that regard I think he’s a better fit for LWB role in a defensive 5 given the other options we have.


    Think we’d be far better off with a decent number 10 in that system too.


    Dummett's been good for us.  As long as we use him as a full back and not a wing back, he's fine.  We might as well forget about wing play anyway because our wingers are awful.


    At defending Dummett is ok but the modern day full back (especially in the premier league) requires far more going forward and unfortunately he is badly lacking in this area.


    Which is great, but we haven't got any modern day full backs in the squad. We also haven't any AMs or a 10 who are PL standard, wingers who can beat a man and we only have one striker of PL standard. It would be a mistake to spend transfer funds on a LB when we are totally inadequate in at least 4 positions. At least Dummett does the basics of his position, which is more than can be said of others.

  5. Just seen this gem from Meth-head, giving it a massive "our fans" about the prospect of getting over 40k on boxing day:


    "The last third tier game to achieve it was the 1979 Sheffield derby at Hillsborough - if it were out our derby, we'd sell out easily too!


    "So, in reality, 40,000 against BCFC would be the highest single 'normal' game attendance in 50 odd years at this level."


    He's certainly been working hard at his mackem logic, and used "in reality" when he really meant "if you ignore reality." I'm not sure if he's just a construct of RTG at this point.


    "Our fans are the best in the world in reality, if you ignore every other team, because they aren't 'proper' fans.  Especially not those mag bastards up the road.  They only get 30k more fans than us every game because they aren't in a 'proper' division like we are."


  6. A lively thread on RTG after another Private Eye column about Bullshit Charlie. This one after he referred to some mackem fans as parasites.

    Got to page two before someone asked "is Ian Hislop is a mag?"  :lol: :lol:


    Magedia, marra.

  7. Whatever formation that removes the need to play Dummett is good for me, like. Was impressed that we looked like a footballing side on Monday and had players that were not s*** scared of the ball.


    Ritchie is an intelligent player, and it that regard I think he’s a better fit for LWB role in a defensive 5 given the other options we have.


    Think we’d be far better off with a decent number 10 in that system too.


    Dummett's been good for us.  As long as we use him as a full back and not a wing back, he's fine.  We might as well forget about wing play anyway because our wingers are awful.

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