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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. My overriding memory of Dyer is that he was unbelievably good on Championship Manager 4.


    In real life, he should have been an immense player, but his lifestyle probably led to him being a bit too injury prone and ultimately his body couldn't stand up to the stresses that his raw pace put it under.


    Like putting a Ferrari engine in a Lada - a recipe for disaster.

  2. How can this man call ant=y one of his players a spoilt brat when he is the biggest spoilt brat of them all??? If an allegedly world class manager cannot motivate young players to perform then he is simply not good enough anymore. Jose, sadly your time is up.


    I really don't understand him at all.  We're moving (gladly) into a period where the top managers have a mix of genuine people skills combined with tactical vision.  Pep seems to have led the way on this, and we're starting to see a new breed of manager who are able to engage with the team and get the best out of their players - getting the team to play in a style that the manager lives and breathes.


    The old school style of being a massive c***, acting like a spoilt brat and randomly shoehorning players into a basic 4-4-2 before picking up a massive paycheck  (Pardew, Alardyce, Redknapp etc) has been shown to no longer work and happily that generation are f***ing off to become media rent-a-gobs freeing the way for younger untested managers to have a crack.


    The sooner Maureen f***s off abroad, the better IMO.

  3.                             Dubravka

                Fernandez Lascelles Schar

    Yedlin                                                  Kenedy

                  Shelvey    Diame    Ki

                          Muto Rondon


    Kenedy is not a wingback.


    He's also a pea hearted shithouse and shouldn't be trusted with any defensive duties at all. Would rather see Dummett, accepting that he would offer nothing at all going forward. Also, Diame is wank and is a waste of a pick, but on the upside, no Perez, so on balance I'd take your selection.

  4. Sad thing is mid noughties Aaron Hughes would be our nailed on starting RB these days and a significant upgrade.  And if someone like past-his-best Kluivert turned up we'd all jizz ourselves.


    I think we did at the time as well tbf. :lol:


    Was such a shame he never worked out for us. He clearly still had it, he just didn't give a fuck.

  5. Player with low awareness, poor touch,  the distancing of the ball in his runs is a huge suspect as he often loses in duels.


    His shots and attacking positioning seems slightly better than average.

    However there is so much to refine as a player before he can lace Ritchie boots.

    I dont seem him being part of the future plans unless Rafa works incredible magic on Jacob, his general impact in games are just very low due to his inability to retain ball like Kenedy, work hard like Ritchie , or make space like Perez.


    I just don't get why we paid £12m for him. He's weak as piss, devoid of skill and has a very poor footballing brain. Even if Rafa worked wonders with him, at best he'd be a Perez-esque player and be anonymous in games.


    As limited as Ritchie is, Murphy is nowhere near the team. He probably needs to drop a division or two to build himself back up.

  6. Giving players like Diame, Joselu, Perez and Murphy runs of games is why we've been struggling. Having 3/4 passengers in our front 6 is why we have been struggling for goals.


    Rafa needs to work out his best team and just stick with it. Nothing players like Murphy aren't worth risking games over. That transfer fee can just be written off.

  7. Chronicle says there's a poll to rename their south stand. What do you reckon? The FTM stand or the 6 in a row stand?


    The Paolo 'Hitler' Di Canio End, sponsored by Cheesy Chips, Blue Pop and Prams4Dogz.com

  8. We’ve had key injuries (Shelvey & Lascelles) and players have stepped up. Rondon’s the main one though. The drop from him to Joselu is far greater than from Lascelles to Schar for instance. If he stays fit we’ll be fine.


    Totally agree. With Rondon, we can get goals from balls pumped into the box.  Without him, we're relying on midfielders and defenders chipping in with goals.

  9. Think he’ll go to someone like Villa, Stoke, Derby in the summer for £8-10m.


    I really hope so. £8m for him would be like turning water into wine.  A bit of a bigger shame is the decline of Ritchie.  I used to think he was decent, but he seems to have lost his attacking qualities.  We're now stuck with a bunch of completely unthreatening wingers and no number 10.  It's no wonder we struggle for goals.

  10. England doing well just means that it's only going to be worse when we crash out of the Euros after being beaten by some minnows.  Especially because the media will have been telling us that 'It's coming home' for the two months preceding.

  11. It's really f***ing simple.


    Currently, if a team is winning by a single goal, but looking likely to concede because the opposition are dominating ("It's only a matter of time, surely"), then feigning injury is a commonly applied tactic, with the intention of taking the sting out of the game.


    But as I have said The FA/SkY would not entertain the idea of using anything to afford the top teams an advantage, so it doesn't matter.


    This sort of change would need to be implemented at FIFA level.  I've been saying for years that the rules of the game need updating.  Almost every other team sport reviews it's rules to keep pace with tactical developments, so why not football?


    If I were King FIFA, my new rules would include:


    1) 30 mins per half with clock stopped every time play stops - would completely eliminate time wasting overnight.

    2) Scrap offsides completely - goalhanging (the reason offsides were brought in) was an archaic issue and won't be an issue in the modern game due to the need for all players to be involved in all phases of the game.  Would also open up more space on the pitch and get rid of contentious offside decisions completely.

    3) Get rid of the penalty box.  Take a free kick from the point of foul instead - currently a penalty kick is way too valuable and leads to players preferring to take a tumble rather than try and shoot.  Also means that defending as an art is dying.

    4) Goal line tech in all professional games.

    5) TV Officials in all televised games.  Rather than VAR, have an official to give advice on all requested decisions.

    6) Red card for simulation.  Simulation includes exaggerating contact - would encourage players to play the game and combined with TV officials, should all but eliminate diving.


    However, the game flat refuses to evolve, and the fact that goal line technology took an age to bring in and VAR is somehow being implemented badly gives me no hope of change.  As a result, games will be one long diving fest, with timewasting, simulation and dodgy penalties continuing to win the day.



    Have you thought of a name for this new sport you've invented?


    Football?  Without offsides or pels it would still be football...


    Maybe we should just carry on what we're doing for no other reason than because it's what we've always done?  Tactics have changed massively and there are some seriously cynical ways to exploit the rules.  Either football changes or it continues to be the pathetic shitfest it has become.

    No offside makes the game a completely different sport. Its a ludicrous suggestion


    No.  Changing one rule out of dozens doesn't make it a completely different sport.  This reminds me of that Peep Show scene where Callie asks what you would do if you had a chocolate bar that was half chocolate and half actual s***. Answer - snap of the s*** half.  Why keep doing something bad?

    Its not bad. Football would be completely unrecognisable without offside


    I'm pretty sure if there was a game going without the offside rule, you'd be able to tell it was football.

  12. It's really f***ing simple.


    Currently, if a team is winning by a single goal, but looking likely to concede because the opposition are dominating ("It's only a matter of time, surely"), then feigning injury is a commonly applied tactic, with the intention of taking the sting out of the game.


    But as I have said The FA/SkY would not entertain the idea of using anything to afford the top teams an advantage, so it doesn't matter.


    This sort of change would need to be implemented at FIFA level.  I've been saying for years that the rules of the game need updating.  Almost every other team sport reviews it's rules to keep pace with tactical developments, so why not football?


    If I were King FIFA, my new rules would include:


    1) 30 mins per half with clock stopped every time play stops - would completely eliminate time wasting overnight.

    2) Scrap offsides completely - goalhanging (the reason offsides were brought in) was an archaic issue and won't be an issue in the modern game due to the need for all players to be involved in all phases of the game.  Would also open up more space on the pitch and get rid of contentious offside decisions completely.

    3) Get rid of the penalty box.  Take a free kick from the point of foul instead - currently a penalty kick is way too valuable and leads to players preferring to take a tumble rather than try and shoot.  Also means that defending as an art is dying.

    4) Goal line tech in all professional games.

    5) TV Officials in all televised games.  Rather than VAR, have an official to give advice on all requested decisions.

    6) Red card for simulation.  Simulation includes exaggerating contact - would encourage players to play the game and combined with TV officials, should all but eliminate diving.


    However, the game flat refuses to evolve, and the fact that goal line technology took an age to bring in and VAR is somehow being implemented badly gives me no hope of change.  As a result, games will be one long diving fest, with timewasting, simulation and dodgy penalties continuing to win the day.



    Have you thought of a name for this new sport you've invented?


    Football?  Without offsides or pels it would still be football...


    Maybe we should just carry on what we're doing for no other reason than because it's what we've always done?  Tactics have changed massively and there are some seriously cynical ways to exploit the rules.  Either football changes or it continues to be the pathetic shitfest it has become.

    No offside makes the game a completely different sport. Its a ludicrous suggestion


    No.  Changing one rule out of dozens doesn't make it a completely different sport.  This reminds me of that Peep Show scene where Callie asks what you would do if you had a chocolate bar that was half chocolate and half actual shit. Answer - snap of the shit half.  Why keep doing something bad?

  13. It's really f***ing simple.


    Currently, if a team is winning by a single goal, but looking likely to concede because the opposition are dominating ("It's only a matter of time, surely"), then feigning injury is a commonly applied tactic, with the intention of taking the sting out of the game.


    But as I have said The FA/SkY would not entertain the idea of using anything to afford the top teams an advantage, so it doesn't matter.


    This sort of change would need to be implemented at FIFA level.  I've been saying for years that the rules of the game need updating.  Almost every other team sport reviews it's rules to keep pace with tactical developments, so why not football?


    If I were King FIFA, my new rules would include:


    1) 30 mins per half with clock stopped every time play stops - would completely eliminate time wasting overnight.

    2) Scrap offsides completely - goalhanging (the reason offsides were brought in) was an archaic issue and won't be an issue in the modern game due to the need for all players to be involved in all phases of the game.  Would also open up more space on the pitch and get rid of contentious offside decisions completely.

    3) Get rid of the penalty box.  Take a free kick from the point of foul instead - currently a penalty kick is way too valuable and leads to players preferring to take a tumble rather than try and shoot.  Also means that defending as an art is dying.

    4) Goal line tech in all professional games.

    5) TV Officials in all televised games.  Rather than VAR, have an official to give advice on all requested decisions.

    6) Red card for simulation.  Simulation includes exaggerating contact - would encourage players to play the game and combined with TV officials, should all but eliminate diving.


    However, the game flat refuses to evolve, and the fact that goal line technology took an age to bring in and VAR is somehow being implemented badly gives me no hope of change.  As a result, games will be one long diving fest, with timewasting, simulation and dodgy penalties continuing to win the day.



    Have you thought of a name for this new sport you've invented?


    Football?  Without offsides or pels it would still be football...


    Maybe we should just carry on what we're doing for no other reason than because it's what we've always done?  Tactics have changed massively and there are some seriously cynical ways to exploit the rules.  Either football changes or it continues to be the pathetic shitfest it has become.

    No offside makes the game a completely different sport. Its a ludicrous suggestion


    Not to mention it's been a rule since the inception of association football.


    Very wrong.  Not only was it non-existent in the early days of football, it's been amended several times including notably recently with the inactive player rule.



  14. It's really f***ing simple.


    Currently, if a team is winning by a single goal, but looking likely to concede because the opposition are dominating ("It's only a matter of time, surely"), then feigning injury is a commonly applied tactic, with the intention of taking the sting out of the game.


    But as I have said The FA/SkY would not entertain the idea of using anything to afford the top teams an advantage, so it doesn't matter.


    This sort of change would need to be implemented at FIFA level.  I've been saying for years that the rules of the game need updating.  Almost every other team sport reviews it's rules to keep pace with tactical developments, so why not football?


    If I were King FIFA, my new rules would include:


    1) 30 mins per half with clock stopped every time play stops - would completely eliminate time wasting overnight.

    2) Scrap offsides completely - goalhanging (the reason offsides were brought in) was an archaic issue and won't be an issue in the modern game due to the need for all players to be involved in all phases of the game.  Would also open up more space on the pitch and get rid of contentious offside decisions completely.

    3) Get rid of the penalty box.  Take a free kick from the point of foul instead - currently a penalty kick is way too valuable and leads to players preferring to take a tumble rather than try and shoot.  Also means that defending as an art is dying.

    4) Goal line tech in all professional games.

    5) TV Officials in all televised games.  Rather than VAR, have an official to give advice on all requested decisions.

    6) Red card for simulation.  Simulation includes exaggerating contact - would encourage players to play the game and combined with TV officials, should all but eliminate diving.


    However, the game flat refuses to evolve, and the fact that goal line technology took an age to bring in and VAR is somehow being implemented badly gives me no hope of change.  As a result, games will be one long diving fest, with timewasting, simulation and dodgy penalties continuing to win the day.



    Have you thought of a name for this new sport you've invented?


    Football?  Without offsides or pels it would still be football...


    Maybe we should just carry on what we're doing for no other reason than because it's what we've always done?  Tactics have changed massively and there are some seriously cynical ways to exploit the rules.  Either football changes or it continues to be the pathetic shitfest it has become.

  15. Great finish for the goal, dogshit pel.  Classic Mitro - doesn't do simple and can't deliver the smooth without a large side of rough.


    Don't miss him at all.  Entertaining bloke, but not good enough to lead a PL line.  Rondon is better.

  16. He’s been better in recent seasons but I still think he’s an example of what’s wrong with us. He should’ve been upgraded years ago.


    If we ever want to see consistent top 10 finishes, we'd need to upgrade, but at this point in time there are much higher priority positions to upgrade.  As it stands, we only have one PL quality striker, no acceptable 10 and poor/inconsistent wingers.  We also haven't got a DM or an AM either, with Shelvey being used in a really ungainly deep playmaker role with no outlet.


    If I were allowed to spend, my team before I replaced Dummett would be:





    New LW----------New 10/AM--------New RW







    Big fan of Shelvey in a one man midfield


    Nah mate, is a four man midfield with three CBs behind him.

  17. It's really f***ing simple.


    Currently, if a team is winning by a single goal, but looking likely to concede because the opposition are dominating ("It's only a matter of time, surely"), then feigning injury is a commonly applied tactic, with the intention of taking the sting out of the game.


    But as I have said The FA/SkY would not entertain the idea of using anything to afford the top teams an advantage, so it doesn't matter.


    This sort of change would need to be implemented at FIFA level.  I've been saying for years that the rules of the game need updating.  Almost every other team sport reviews it's rules to keep pace with tactical developments, so why not football?


    If I were King FIFA, my new rules would include:


    1) 30 mins per half with clock stopped every time play stops - would completely eliminate time wasting overnight.

    2) Scrap offsides completely - goalhanging (the reason offsides were brought in) was an archaic issue and won't be an issue in the modern game due to the need for all players to be involved in all phases of the game.  Would also open up more space on the pitch and get rid of contentious offside decisions completely.

    3) Get rid of the penalty box.  Take a free kick from the point of foul instead - currently a penalty kick is way too valuable and leads to players preferring to take a tumble rather than try and shoot.  Also means that defending as an art is dying.

    4) Goal line tech in all professional games.

    5) TV Officials in all televised games.  Rather than VAR, have an official to give advice on all requested decisions.

    6) Red card for simulation.  Simulation includes exaggerating contact - would encourage players to play the game and combined with TV officials, should all but eliminate diving.


    However, the game flat refuses to evolve, and the fact that goal line technology took an age to bring in and VAR is somehow being implemented badly gives me no hope of change.  As a result, games will be one long diving fest, with timewasting, simulation and dodgy penalties continuing to win the day.


  18. He’s been better in recent seasons but I still think he’s an example of what’s wrong with us. He should’ve been upgraded years ago.


    If we ever want to see consistent top 10 finishes, we'd need to upgrade, but at this point in time there are much higher priority positions to upgrade.  As it stands, we only have one PL quality striker, no acceptable 10 and poor/inconsistent wingers.  We also haven't got a DM or an AM either, with Shelvey being used in a really ungainly deep playmaker role with no outlet.


    If I were allowed to spend, my team before I replaced Dummett would be:





    New LW----------New 10/AM--------New RW







  19. Seems like a nice lad, but he's wank. Paying any fee for him was a mistake, but £12m+ takes the piss.


    No way we'll see any return on that investment - I've already written him off.

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