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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. That list is largely bollocks. Harsh on Muto and way too kind on plenty of donkeys like Colback and Perez.


    Worst thing about that list is that it highlights the fact that the vast majority of our players are nowhere near PL standard.

  2. Might want to get that seen too. Unless you're a zombie in which case you're probably grand.


    Nah. Don't go to the games and boo subs whilst applauding slide tackling the ball out for a throw, so not a zombie.

  3. His brothers been playing quite well since coming back from that horrid illness.


    Would be delicious if it turned out his brother was the good one and Lewis was wank and a permacrock.


    We deserve it just for the Karma of the De Jong brothers coming here and stinking the place out and then being alright elsewhere.

  4. This Sorensen lad got some potential like?


    Would love to see him get some 1st team time.  Maybe in the cups?


    Aye, probably a sub appearance in the FA Cup followed by a loan spell at Carlisle or something.


    After two decades of seeing our youngsters rot at shit teams, I'm not sure I could take that happening again.  I think the only player I can remember not turning out shit after going on loan was Andy Carroll, and he turned shit as soon as Ashley took the £35m.

  5. After an away point and a clean sheet I'm down from 11 to a 10.


    My journey this season so far:


    Summer - 1

    After pre-season - 4

    After a couple of games - 7

    Pre Southampton - 11

    After Southampton - 10

    Now - 3


    I feel being able to quickly flick flack between 0 and 10, whilst throwing an 11 in there for good measure is in keeping with the spirit of this thread.


  6. We're definitely getting shafted if we're in the Premier League next year like. No doubt. :lol:


    This is true with or without VAR.  We're makeweights in the PL now and are absolutely interchangeable with any other English club that isn't in the 'Big Six'. The FA would happily fuck us over to help out one of the 'Big clubs'.  VAR doesn't change this, it just means that the FA will have to find away to allow their bent refs to favour the big clubs without being caught out by VAR.

  7. Really don't get how VAR can be implemented in anything other than a positive manner. Video assistants have been wildly successful in almost every other major sport.  It can't be that hard to look at how it's been done elsewhere and take those models forward.


    Although on the other hand, football referees are so ball-shrinkingly poor across the board, if FIFA/UEFA/The FA can't even get some referees who aren't comically incompetent and/or manifestly bent, then there is no hope for anything other than free penalties for 'Big' clubs for ever more.

  8. Rooney was finished and should have been canned in 2013, absolute joke to give him this 'cap' and for him to accept it. Dumb f***.


    I really don't get it. England have had far better players who didn't get a send off.  In a way, he is the last of the so called 'Golden Generation' who delivered nothing but epic failure.  Seeing the back of him is a good thing and should allow the national team to focus on the future rather than look back on all of the shit times like when he told the fans to fuck off.




    Just read that....proposed by the Chelsea chairman who has, apparently, struck up a close relationship with Scudamore over the years.




    That's their way of saying to the clubs 'cough, cough, he's made you s*** loads of money over the years, cough, cough'.


    Utter c***s.


    Imagine what £5m would buy at grass roots level.  For all his faults, I hope the FCB literally tells them to "Fúck right off you pack of cúnts".

  10. Seems like a decent bloke, but has zero talent.  Total waste of money, and if we can get a fee for him in Jan we should snap the buyers hand off.


    Massively harsh! We only bought him for about £2m I seem to recall and he's more than paid that back for his performances in the Championship. He had some good games last year but clearly the off the field problems have effected him. I still think given his age, and if he can get sorted he's a useful squad player to have.


    He may have done a job in the Championship, but we're a PL club now.  He's nowhere near good enough for the PL and never will be.


    Thanks for the service, but it's time to go.  If players like Isaac Hayden are getting games for us, we deserve to go down.

  11. We saw how one dimensional Shelvey had made us. Much better and more fluent without him.

    I mean, it's more to do with how not having a ball playing centre back had made us. Put Jamaal back in for Schar and I reckon we go straight back to that.


    I wonder if having a CB who can build from the back would allow Shelvey to actually move into a position that is useful and not take the ball from the toes of the defence only to play 70 yard passes to the opposition every time.

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