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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. Noting the limitations of our fullbacks, is there any mileage in going for a back three of Schar/Lacellles/Fernandez?


    And drop Yedlin? Big mistake imo, he's a very, very important player for us, his covering is invaluable. Dummett is also one of our more consistent performers, I'd like to stay in a back 4 and have our 4 centre backs fight it out for the two spots. It's a healthy situation to be in.


    Yedlin has to be in the team, but I’d play him as a wing back. Maybe in a setup like this.






                Schär    Fernandez    Lejeune

    Yedlin/Ritchie                        Dummett/Kenedy

                        Diame              Ki                             






    FWIW, my team would be the same but without Diame or Kenedy.

  2. AprillasShinPad and geordiedean are totally and wilfully ignoring everything this lad has done for us, in terms of goals and assists. Yes he's been terrible this season so far, but to say he was s**** last year, when he finished OUR TOP SCORER and got assists that won us points, you both can stop being disingenuous.


    I think we're aggressively agreeing.  O0

  3. Scored decisive goals in 7 of our 9 wins in 2018. Soft c***.

    Exactly, and the concencus of opinion was that he might not look great but we always seemed to win and play better when he played and scored.


    That's akin to saying that he tends to score more goals in games that he scores in than games that he doesn't.  Slightly disingenuous stat there.  Completely ignores the runs of anonymous performances that he puts in.


    He was wank last week, hopefully this is the start of an upwards trajectory for him.


    Still glad he scored today.  Looking forward to seeing the highlights later.

  4. AsprillasShinPad[/member] geordiedean[/member]  Any thoughts then? Or only when we lose?


    Didn't watch the game. I see he scored though. Well done him. Will pass judgement when I see it.


    One swallow doesn't make a summer though - getting a goal doesn't completely cancel out the countless dogshit performances preceding today...



  5. Imagine owning that and not wanting the absolute best for it :idiot2:


    He's an absolute cunt and in deep down we know he doesn't really own it.  After that fat twat is gone, the ground and club will still be there.  He didn't build it, and he certainly hasn't got any vision for it.


    As soon as the money dries up, he'll be gone.  Either that or the fat cunt will pop his clogs.


    My money is choking on a bit of gristle in his double sausage and chips.  The sooner the better.

  6. No point in the Premier League if the best six have ditched it. What would winning it even mean? And if you won ten in a row, you couldn't even break into the Super League? It's all pointless.


    It would mean being the best in England like it currently does.  If some of the other teams want to become European teams, they are welcome to it.  I'd rather be part of a domestic league that was about football than a European league that was all about money.


    Yup. I think people would get over it pretty quickly tbh. At least, fans of the clubs that don't join Europe.


    I still don't fully understand how it would be viable in the long run, though. The same European teams competing over and over will get boring, surely? How much of a travelling contingent will you realistically get week in, week out, which would affect atmosphere? It's all well and good relying on the TV money it produces but I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see clubs running back to their domestic leagues in less than a decade. Unfortunately, you know the arseholes in the FA would welcome them back with open arms.


    It would be properly s*** if your club did it.  £100 tickets, crowds that were 90% tourists and not being able to do away games.  A bit like following a plastic glory team like Barca or Real Madrid.


    Aye. The plans might be in place but it'll not go ahead like. Mainly because it's a really really s*** short-sighted idea that even Fifa aren't stupid enough to endorse.


    I can't stand man utd or their fans but there is no way that their core support would tolerate that without a massive f***ing boot off. That said, they'll have a ready made lower league team to watch instead by then anyway.


    Can't see many German teams going through with it either given that fans can effectively control their decision making.



    Shame like, I'd really like the idea of a competitive English league without the"super six" and all the hype that comes with it.


    It would be fucking class if the Premier League formed a breakaway league of just the top six with no relegation or promotion.  Then those plastic pricks could wank each other off to death and drown in money while the rest of the country can have a functioning league without enduring Sky's endless hype or paying £20 for a pie and a pint.

  7. No point in the Premier League if the best six have ditched it. What would winning it even mean? And if you won ten in a row, you couldn't even break into the Super League? It's all pointless.


    It would mean being the best in England like it currently does.  If some of the other teams want to become European teams, they are welcome to it.  I'd rather be part of a domestic league that was about football than a European league that was all about money.


    Yup. I think people would get over it pretty quickly tbh. At least, fans of the clubs that don't join Europe.


    I still don't fully understand how it would be viable in the long run, though. The same European teams competing over and over will get boring, surely? How much of a travelling contingent will you realistically get week in, week out, which would affect atmosphere? It's all well and good relying on the TV money it produces but I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see clubs running back to their domestic leagues in less than a decade. Unfortunately, you know the arseholes in the FA would welcome them back with open arms.


    It would be properly s*** if your club did it.  £100 tickets, crowds that were 90% tourists and not being able to do away games.  A bit like following a plastic glory team like Barca or Real Madrid.

  8. Was at Carlisle/Yeovil yesterday and Adam Campbell played for Carlisle. Actually played well but f***ing hell he looks like a kid out there


    He's actually taller than both Messi and Edgar Davids. Just goes to show stature can make such a difference.


    Really?! f***ing hell. I guess lower league as well its way more physical but he looked absolutely tiny


    My impression is that kids who physically mature early often look mint in their U13s etc team, but usually turn out to be rubbish by the time they hit adult football and they lose their strength/pace advantage.  I suppose really skillful players would look good in any team.  If you're a manlet and still good, you must be really talented, hence the adulation of players like Messi/Silva/Juninho/Zola etc.


    I'm still a sucker for a Duncan Ferguson/Peter Crouch though.  :smitten:

  9. No point in the Premier League if the best six have ditched it. What would winning it even mean? And if you won ten in a row, you couldn't even break into the Super League? It's all pointless.


    It would mean being the best in England like it currently does.  If some of the other teams want to become European teams, they are welcome to it.  I'd rather be part of a domestic league that was about football than a European league that was all about money.

  10. The plans for a «Super League» have come far as well according to the leaks, shares hve been divided among clubs and plans to start in 2021/22, with the clubs leaving their national leagues and european competitions.


    Good. Tra to lot of them. Less money in our league is good for hounding out Ashley.


    Fingers crossed it's a step too far and begins modern football's implosion.


    Great news if it happens.  Hopefully the 'Big Six' fuck off, Sky fucks off and leaves the English Leagues alone and the FCB fucks off when the TV money dries up.  Would love to see a competitive English league that we can be a part of without needing to spend hundreds of millions of pounds on super average players and the fans don't get fleeced to within an inch of their lives whilst cronies like Platini and Blatter rig everything.

  11. He's the club captain. He knows better than to criticise the ownership. Only way he'd say anything other than the party line was if he thought he was leaving soon.


    So, summer?


    If that happens then he might throw a few grenades on the way out.

  12. Best CM. Was a fantastic player and would be plying his trade for a top, top club if playing now.


    *Edit* - Rob Lee, not Diame. Diame is f***ing w***.

    Thanks for clearing that up :thup:

    P.S. Rafa, please see above: Shinner has true insights into those ticcy-tacky-tactic-things AND he can clearly spot a good midfielder from a less good one. Worth listening to me thinks...


    I don't think Rafa is in need of anyone's advice about what a good midfield player looks like, he just needs to be given the money and support to go out and buy one.


    Must be painful for him.  Didn't he have Gerrard and Alonso as his CM pairing at one stage?  Having to deal with shite like Diame now must be killing him.

  13. Love how people prefer a player like Ritchie who runs round pointing, leaving his man, hitting the first defender with every cross and the athletic ability of a sloth but he tries. Maybe Perez gets caught on the ball as he literally has no one to pass too and doesn't just pass it backwards for the sake of it. But what do I know! When your playing crap the first players to get criticised are the footballers and not the plodders like Ritchie and Dummett both of who have done f*** all this season


    Ritchie is a player who I rated, but has been shite this season, and was useless last time out.  Even when we play well, Perez is still toss.  Dummett is actually a bit underrated and I don't think we'll get a better LB whilst the fat man is in charge.

  14. I think changing the badge would be a good move for them.  That other badge is dogshit and just has memories of utter failure associated with it.


    If they go for a design similar to the badge before that, I'm sure the 'Reidy is a legend/Roker Park' bellends will lap it up.

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