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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 25 minutes ago, Unbelievable said:


    Can you stop this nonsense please? I mean, if you think mimicking that senile SMB poster is funny please keep it on Twitter by all means.


  2. 12 minutes ago, tgarve said:

    Ok I’m wrong about Zouma- I still think you can make a mistake in the moment not seeming like you care and have remorse afterwards like 

    If he'd whacked my kid like he did that Everton fan and I'd immediately hit him back in a similar manner do you think it would all be forgotten about by now? 

  3. 1 hour ago, tgarve said:

    Got to agree with @Froggy here like, this ronaldo incident is completely being overplayed - the Zouma incident also was.

    Both arnt good, Zoumas was worse of course , but they are both just mistakes.

    Just apologise and move on, maybe Zouma deserves a bit of a punishment & Ronaldo too.

    Hopefully they learn from these mistakes - or is that not allowed in todays ‘ everyone needs to be outraged at everything ‘ society

    You were completely wrong within five words there. Congratulations. 


    Making stuff up about videos which don't exist just topped it off. 

  4. Looks like the kid has told Ronaldo where to stick his offer of match tickets. Seems happy to let the incident play out properly with the FA / Police rather than be bought off for a few quid which is really refreshing to see. 

  5. Just now, ManDoon said:

    I don’t think you should be engaging in random acts of violence 

    I know just the place he could discuss it though. They'd love him. :lol:

  6. 1 minute ago, Froggy said:


    I stated a fact, in a thread specifically set up to state such facts. I just put a thumbs up after the post which was a mistake, and which was apologised for.






    Again dumbing down what happened to make it appear acceptable. You doubled down and told someone they had to "do better" when they pulled you for using it to troll. I look forward to your inevitable defence of Greenwood when more of that story becomes clear. 

  7. Just now, David Edgar said:


    You what? [emoji38]  You're making out like man baby's life was endangered by a small child filming footballers leave the pitch?  


    Outrageous this.

    You're arguing with someone who came on here a few weeks back thinking those Saudi executions were fair game for trolling. 

  8. Just now, David Edgar said:


    This isn't what happened?  Why are you defending a man who smashed a child's phone in a fit of rage? 

    It's a culture thing at Man United where you believe you can treat people however you like because of your "status". Numerous examples. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Froggy said:


     We would all do it. :lol: Another incident blown massively out of proportion because it's Ronaldo.


    You'd think he scissor kicked a fan in the head.

    "we would all do it" 


    I assume you've got a big long list of examples of when it's happened previously then? 

  10. 3 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


    'Fair value will be set by comparing it to arms length deals in similar clubs. So, at the moment, Newcastle will be comparable to, say, Leeds.'


    His latest words of financial wisdom and utter bollocks. 

    He just makes stuff up and they take it as absolute gospel. :lol:

  11. 8 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Wonder whatever happened to all the letters they (at Grumpy’s suggestion) wrote to Companies House to try and get the takeover banned… ???

    Didn't it turn out he didn't understand the rules about the Companies House stuff and they'd done nothing wrong with what they'd filed and when? :lol:


    He was getting slaughtered on there when it turned out he'd got the details of their latest non takeover completely wrong. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Groundhog63 said:

    Makematics, again..... 


    Last minute winner against Oxford to sneak back into the division 3 play offs ahead of Wycombe Wanderers. 

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