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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jinky Jim said:

    From one of the Baggie forums.


    “’But I don't want Brucey to be here next year, why? We have in 10 games become a complete nothing team. No identity, no plan, deep defensive line, huge gaps between the lines, slow tempo, team have stopped respecting us which shows our further decline.”


    Ring a bell :)

    They need to realise you can't change things overnight. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    This post on a WBA forum:


    “Has to go, I don't think any manager would have got us promoted, but we're literally relegation bad under Bruce. His only answer has been to go back to exactly how Ismael was playing, except even more insipid.”


    :lol: Does he always revert to copy the previous manager’s tactics in a hope it might come off?

    Inspiring stuff as always. 



  3. 5 minutes ago, triggs said:

    Actually curious about just how bad this game must have been :lol:



    Remember when their chairman appointed him saying the biggest reason was his ability to have an instant impact? :lol:

  4. 5 minutes ago, TRon said:

    He does love losing a derby.

    You read his comments about them today and it's cut and paste from his time here. Talk of his own frustration, felt both teams lacked quality (always a favourite of his), awful game of football, neither keeper had a save to make. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    :lol: Absolutely nothing to justify that fact whatsoever.

    Disagree, I don't think with Gayle up top we'd have seen that run of form.


    That's not to say Wood has been good, or that we might not have still got out of the relegation zone had we signed someone else instead of him, but I really don't think we'd have had a chance with Gayle up front. The fact Wood is struggling and Gayle still doesn't get a kick tells its own story. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    35 points would've kept you up in each of the last 5 seasons. So we need another 4. I think we should be aiming for 7 from the next 4 games which would see us on 38 points.

    Everton are at Burnley next which is a massive game. Would love to see Everton relegated, but if they win that the bottom three suddenly look a long way adrift. 

  7. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Offer mutual terminations, loans out, paying a % of their wages and/or cut our losses in getting rid and sell really low. Gayle, Ritchie, Krafth, Almiron, Fernandez, Dummett, Lewis arguably and Hendrick all need to be moved on. I don't see Lascelles or Shelvey being sold this summer so, aye.

    Had forgotten about Hendrick. I think we'll be able to move Almiron on. 

  8. Just now, neesy111 said:


    Write off their contracts and then offer for free/loans. 

    Couldn't even convince the likes of Lewis to go out on loan and prove himself. I don't rate Murphy, but at least he was willing to go away and try and improve at a lower level. 



  9. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Yeah. That squad still needs demolition rather than surgery once safety is confirmed. Probably won't be able to do that, but so much of it is 3 or 4 years past its best and needs to be peddled.

    Only Longstaff, Schar and Dummett have deals expiring this summer I think too. 


    The challenge will be moving on the likes of Ritchie, Gayle, Hayden, Murphy, Lewis and Krafth, most of whom will be on money they'll be unlikely to get elsewhere. 

  10. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:



    Joelinton has been poor in the last 2 games.

    Burn was brilliant at Chelsea but harshly it was his loss of Havertz that cost us, same with him stepping out and being skinned by Iwobi at Everton. Today it looked like his head gone, had a shocker.

    Shelvey was very poor today.

    I understand why Bruno wasn't started today but bottom line is he's our best player atm.

    The winger situation is a bit of a conunudrum. ASM needs to be persisted with, he was better than Fraser though still poor by his standards. Murphy/Fraser is a poor, limited choice for the other side but needs must.


    Wolves will be tough to break down, they'll sit off and play on the break with their pace out wide and good technical quality from centre mid. Need to be moving the ball quickly and get SJP under the lights right behind the team, not that it wouldn't be anyway.

    Most of the side still picks itself, which is part of the problem. 


    Can understand Bruno not starting today after getting back relatively late, but he has to start next time. 


    Joelinton has enough credit to be persisted with, as does Fraser with Murphy being a significant downgrade. 


    Burn has been poor today and made costly errors recently but I'm not sure taking him out for Lascelles is the answer. Same goes for Schar. 


    Thought Manquillo was bad today too, but is the answer bringing Krafth back in? Probably not. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, midds said:

    It's not entirely surprising if you consider the fact the club has only lived to exist in the PL without any regard to any other level of squad. Nothing else has mattered to Ashley. Just keep the club in the PL, that's been the mission for over a decade and fuck the consequences such as the one we're talking about now. No standards within the club, no talent coming through, no regard for anything other than staying up :thup:

    Impacts on the players who are struggling too. Wood needs taken out of the side, but he can't be really.


    It's difficult to solve the problem too because you can't backfill with too many players and tell them they won't be playing often as they walk through the door. 

  12. 1 minute ago, gbandit said:

    Let’s hope that’s his worst Howe performance of the season. Love the lad but he was either missing or ineffectual today in our midfield 

    I know I've singled Burn out on his thread, but they were all awful today. At least we know Joelinton is the type to come back from it. 

  13. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    You can say he got it wrong without bollocks like ‘he deserves stick’. It’s shite man.

    And without writing off what we've done since mid January too. Spurs front three are absolutely miles ahead of our back four and they showed it today. The way we collapsed second half made it ten times worse. 

  14. Was absolutely terrible today. Far from the only one obviously, but definitely one of the worst. Needs to calm down. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Pilko said:


    Great job he's done of rebuilding their confidence with a few weeks away in Dubai then on the evidence of today. 


    Whole performance, set up and subs were just mental today and you ignoring that is the "agenda driven" thing, tossing yourself off over Howe because he finally managed to get some good results and refusing to acknowledge that he made an arse of it today.

    Eh? He made an arse of it today - don't see anyone suggesting otherwise? 


    Totally ignoring the period and changes he's made since the Cambridge game because "today".


    Yes mate he definitely hasn't rebuilt anyone's confidence, joelinton, Fraser, anybody. You just have to listen to them to hear how he hasn't done it. 


    We've had a hiding today, but at least you've got something out of it. 


    I'll leave it there because you're clearly as thick as a castle wall. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Pilko said:


    I've posted on several occasions about how he's learned from some of the shit decisions he made pre-transfer window and that he's clearly better than I had him down as, despite not being as convinced as others seem to be. 


    I'll definitely stop supporting the club I've followed my whole life because someone with your astute musings on football thinks I'm not what the club needs too, great point and definitely worth you taking the time to write it out.

    Posting to complain about him listening to the players and rebuilding their confidence which has given us the chance to stay up. You call that support? Have a word with yourself. Agenda driven nonsense is what it is.

  17. Just now, HaydnNUFC said:


    I agree. But the tactical set up in the 2nd half was asking for a disaster. You can criticise that while still enormously appreciating the gargantuan difference he's made to us up to this point.

    Some can't. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Pilko said:

    Good fun reading his touchy-feely soundbites of late about team bonding and hearing tales of woe from the past of each player over dinner etc when he sends them out to fetch up a powder puff, limp disgrace of a performance like today.


    Wolves is huge now. Needs to set us up properly and make key decisions (banish Manquillo, Bruno to start & drop Maxi) otherwise we'll get dragged into it again before we know it.

    Good to see you back posting about him. Been a tough time for you since Christmas up until the last few weeks. 


    Snide stuff like your first paragraph shows your agenda for what it is. Pathetic. If you can't see how much he's lifted them and that without that we'd be down already maybe you need to spend your weekends watching something other than nufc. The club doesn't need "supporters" like you. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Who the fuck is this wet lettuce Biffo the bear who’s stopped going to games ? On the plus side hopefully an extra season ticket up for grabs in the summer for some real mag to enjoy.




    Just reading that thread, whoever Mad Cyril is he hasn't done himself any favours confusing the words condemn and condone. :lol:

  20. 35 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    Derby administrators say they are not in a position to announce a preferred bidder, saying the prospective buyers have dragged their heels.


    They have also said that they may have to cancel or postpone their next match if fans continue to threaten to protest at it.

    I wonder if one of the bidders is low balling.

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