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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. 1 hour ago, Ben said:

    Simon Jordon is convinced the clubs will start their own sports channel using a Netflix type model.

    That’s the thing. If you could actually pay for a single service here where you can just watch your club whenever they play and the odd other big game, I’d have no problem signing up for that.

    The people that sign up for dodgy services do so because it would cost hundreds a year if you were to sign up for Sky, BT, Amazon and whatever else pops up and you’re still not guaranteed of seeing your club play!

  2. Just now, mighty__mag said:

    I actually said the same thing to someone at work today. Was it a bluff to get what they all want?

    I don’t think so, just a clusterfuck.

    They are in a far weaker position now to be making any demands for more. They’ve shown their colours.

    This is a win, maybe not as big as some might suggest, but certainly a win for football. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out now over the next few weeks/months 

  3. Wonder what the cruel and unusual punishment looming was? The PL should still come down hard on all 6 clubs.

    Absolute chancers.

    Plus points, this puts our takeover in complete perspective when it comes back to the table. All those so called fit and proper owners and directors acting like treacherous rats.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Rafalove said:

    Nufc released any statement in this?

    They didn’t need to. Besides, Mike won’t put out any statement that has any long term implications while he’s still engaged in trying to sell the club to the consortium.

  5. I would go about expelling the clubs from the domestic competitions to begin with and let them have their super league. But would ensure to lobby every tv network and sponsor out there to boycott. The league would run out of money within 3 years.

    Then at that point if the clubs come crawling back, let them enter the league at the bottom level.

    The premier league would take a hit for sure but this would never happen again and maybe in the years that follow, some sort of normality might return in terms of player transfers, wages etc.

    Its a good opportunity to clear the decks as it were 

  6. 1 minute ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    It won’t happen, but I hope never again will the non-‘big 6’ clubs loan players from those clubs. No more Willocks, Loftus-Cheeks, Minamotos, etc to give their players game time.

    That won’t happen but maybe it could be met halfway where if a loan player plays a certain percentage of games the club has to make the move permanent.

  7. Just now, TaylorJ_01 said:

    In fairness, that probably is what they should do if they are serious about it. But if any of them fold they'll come down like a pack of cards. Just got to keep the pressure up until someone breaks.

    Well all it needs is just 1 club to retreat and then they can be lobbied to vote or abstain to take action against the other 5 clubs.

    Its a clusterfuck

  8. Even if it falls flat on its face, those clubs responsible need to be made examples of anyway.

    Expulsion from the league if they go ahead with it. Massive points deductions  if they don’t? Is that even possible?

  9. 4 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:

    On VAR though, we would need a replacement, because all we did for years was argue for technology, and now people just complain about it. I like it, but I dont like the ridiculous parts of it. It could still be used,but used better. If VAR kept us in the league, nobody would be complaining that particular day.

    It needs a few tweaks. I mean, the whole offside by a toenail is just stupid. There should be a tolerance level.

    It also shouldn’t be reviewed by existing referees, it’s like the police force, they’ll rarely go against an on-field decision. It needs to be a highly trained independent panel per game.

    We've had some decisions go our way that wouldn’t have in previous years and I guess also a few iffy ones too.

    Its new, needs time to get it right.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Disco said:

    He'll be sat on Hippy Green cadging some free wifi.

    He’ll be sat on the bog thinking his camera and audio are switched off.



    ”Is that you Lee?”



    “No this is Justin Barnes..”

  11. He’s become a crank over the years, he’d certainly get more love here from the fans but that’s not really the issue. The players are the ones now who he doesn’t get on with and are the ones who are getting him sacked from jobs.

    Top players wanted to play for him 15 years ago but the new breed don’t have the same respect.

    Id be worried Rafa will be a target for Spurs now 

  12. 1 minute ago, r0cafella said:

    That’s the whole problem. Legally the clubs are the property of the shareholders and they can do whatever they please. 

    I think yesterday was a wake call for fans everywhere. We are no longer fans merely customers of a shit product. 

    Mike Ashley sussed that out ages ago in fairness.

  13. 1 minute ago, FCB said:

    The Super League has sent a letter to FIFA and UEFA threatening to sue if the member clubs are excluded from any competitions

    I’m sure there’s an anti competition element to it.

  14. Just now, Scotty66 said:

    The rules say its possible though don't they? It's still one hell of a risk just to get what you want in the CL. 

    The rules say that to take any action regarding the breaking of these rules has to be voted for by 3/4 of the member clubs, i.e 15 of them.

    Because Spurs are in there, that’s the veto. Nothing can be done unless there’s another route we don’t know about yet

  15. 8 minutes ago, Rosenrot said:

    Aye, but there doesn't seem to be an automatic link between breaking a rule and expulsion as a sanction.



    Page 96.

    So what he’s also found there is that expulsion is an option but it would need 3/4 of the clubs to vote for it. Which is why they (Super League) have 6 clubs signed up to it. Spurs are essentially the veto on any immediate action being taken.

    Its absolute treachery! Cunts 

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