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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I wonder does Arsene Wenger have another run in him at a premier league club.

    All those Arsenal supporters holding a protest to get him sacked, wonder if they still think they were right all along.

  2. Whilst I’m not disagreeing with the comments, cmon.. stop being such miserable cunts ? it’s a good win that none of thought we were getting. Just be happy with it.

    The season is almost over and hopefully we can look forward to our decent players like Almiron being utilised a bit better next season.

    The midfield is a known quantity. It needs replacing. (Longstaffs, Shelvey, Hayden & Hendrick)

    We do that and we might even have a good season despite Bruce if he’s still here. At the end of the day, the takeover is all that matters really.

  3. I think we’ll have a new owner of this club within 12 months. I’m confident of that.

    The recent news, it doesn’t really change much. We’re still up against an institution that’s hell bent on protecting this big 6 that are commercially viable.

    NUFC could have and should have been that, but let’s face it, after Robson threatened to spoil the party with our 3rd place finish, we’ve done fuck all to merit being considered a big club (commercially)

    My thoughts are that this news means they want to accelerate the process as I would assume the interest KSA/PIF have in this project is time limited. They will get pissed off and walk away for good at some point.

  4. I get the impatience, ideally we want to have everything in place so that Bruce can be moved on and a few players bought to give us that immediate boost before the new season starts.

    But I’m in the camp that we’ve waited this long, I can wait longer if I know there’s goi no to be something at the end of it. It genuinely seems that way now.

    The PL have too much coming at them right now in terms of litigation. Where is the money coming from to fight all these cases? Is there a point where it will eat into the money divided between its member clubs?

  5. A few of their players have gone off the boil at the wrong time too. Vardy and Maddison in particular. Earlier in the season they were unplayable.

    Still, it’s a massive achievement for a team like Leicester to be comfortably in the top 6 for 2 seasons in a row. 

    Having a stable club with owners who show ambition and know how to make the place a happy working environment for all their staff cannot be underestimated.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nobody said:

    They'll bottle it, same as last year. 

    Despite Rogers winning loads of league titles with Celtic, I'm starting to believe that he is a bit of a bottler. 

    I’d take him in a heartbeat.

    The difference between those good coaches though and say someone like Sir Alex, Wenger and even Guardiola is how they managed the squad and keep the right players fresh for the right moments.

    Leicester basically played the same 11 for the guts of the season. They have good players who can come on but the main bulk looked absolutely knackered.

    Even with us at a lower level, Benitez knew how to do this too. We had such few injuries in comparison to Bruce.

  7. 7 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I genuinely think he wants to actually sell to the Saudis only because he wants access to their markets over in SA...

    Yeah there’s definitely another reason here. Although the obvious reason could also be the global situation. He does his best business in times like these and 300+ million would swallow up a whole bunch of struggling brands. Perhaps cash he doesn’t have readily available to him?

  8. Re: Keith, I’m big enough to admit I was at least partially wrong about him. He does like the attention but he obviously had something, I wouldn’t call it a bomb but it also isn’t nothing either.

    And to those saying Mike is just looking for compo? I’d say that’s a last resort, you can’t really bring about a case like this without looking for damages, the key bit is the injunction.

  9. The PL wanted to reject it, the reason they didn’t was because of the political consequences. I believe that’s what they meant by unchartered territory.

    The crux of the arbitration is whether they applied the rules correctly in their assessment. They are essentially ignoring a court ruling which states that PIF are an independent entity to trust their gut feeling that MBS is a person of significant influence. (they are not wrong.. of course he is) but whether they can provide a legal case for this that supersedes the original court ruling is the key here.

    It’s a strong move from the club, I believe it’s massive pressure on the PL now that this info will be out in the open. It supports and adds weight to the arbitration case, in fact, the PL may not let this get to court and just let the club get what they want through an “arbitration decision”

    But on the flip side it wound suggest that the arbitration itself is still early doors so we may well be quite a while off getting any sort of resolution on this

  10. Are there any other charges it can be reduced back to? Murder most likely can’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Even manslaughter would have to be open and shut ala Derek Chauvin.

    At the end of the day, there’s only so much training you can have to deal with mental illness situations. It’s tragic and it probably shouldn’t have happened but at the end of the day people have to be responsible for themselves too so the police don’t have to make decisions like that.

    If he was that dangerous and out of control, he should have been locked up in a mental health facility where doctors could monitor him on a daily basis.

  11. I’d love to see one of those body language experts pick apart that Kennedy chap just now. His eyes popping up, down, left, right and centre as he’s talking about what he can’t put out ?

    I don’t know much about the lad but being in with Wraith and his crusty cheerleaders make me choose scepticism as my go to here.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Rosenrot said:

    Bear in mind that even if we win the arbitration proceedings, that doesn't mean the O&D test will be passed. The arbitrators may rule that we win on a procedural point, for example the PL didn't following process X, and thus the test should be conducted again. The test can be conducted again and still be rejected...

    My understanding is that this is the only point that muddies the waters as it were. They may well be openly discussing PL corruption right now but we’ll never know because it’s behind closed doors.

    There is nothing in the PL rules that state that other clubs have the power to block others from becoming competitive through wealthier owners so recent events will have to shine a light on that, I hope they have hard evidence of this. And I suppose they do, The Sheffield United chap who did an interview pretty much blew that whole situation open. Email correspondence would be better though.

  13. Relegation is 99% unlikely to happen at this stage. I don’t think that’s an issue. If Fulham lose their next game and we get a point I don’t think they can catch us. I think we pick up another 6 points too

    The issue as has always been is clearing the way with the PL, events over the last 2 weeks will have moved the goalposts slightly. Whether that puts us in a stronger or weaker position I do not know but can imagine NDM will be reacting to this and forming it as part of a strategy.

    Overall I’d imagine the PL will just want this to go away quietly so they’ll have to reach an agreement.

    Here is a question though, the arbitration is focussed on how the PL applied its rules in respect of the wording of director or person of influence. So my understanding was that if we get a ruling in our favour, the test would go to the PL to complete, essentially adding more time to the process.

    Am I wrong on this though? Is the arbitration to decide the outcome of the full o&d’s test?

  14. Anyone venting at him are looking in the wrong place. Who didn’t do their job which led to them essentially having target practice for their goal?

    He can only do so much.

  15. Don’t think salary caps are the answer, i think it’s naturally going to go in this direction anyway. Aside from 2 or 3 players now in world football that will command a massive fee, I think Covid will force clubs to take a more responsible approach going forward. Those clubs who have been lashing out money on players all seem to be in financial bother now. It’ll sort itself out.

    Will we see a 200m+ player transfer again? I doubt it. If Mbappe leaves PSG it will be for sporting reasons, he’s hardly going to increase his wages significantly over what he’s probably on now.

    Tweaks to how VAR is used would be useful and to be honest I think the transfer window needs to be scrapped. I’d like to see a limit on the amount of players a club can sign per season. Say 5 or 6 but they can be done at any stage during a season.

  16. Seems a very odd time to have a protest, what is it actually about? Does anyone know?

    Mike Ashley? Yeah he’s actively trying to sell the club?

    About the takeover being blocked? Yeah that’s actually being sorted in court right now

    The Super League? Yeah it’s not happening and we weren’t invited anyway.

    About Steve Bruce still being manager? Pointless at this stage of the season. We’re safe. Only a takeover will incite change.

    What else could it be about? And why does whoever is organising it think it’s needed?

  17. Every other club has him sussed tactically. They tell their midfielders to run into the box knowing he won’t track back.

    He plays maybe 3 good passes on average each game and does nothing else. Doesn’t tackle, doesn’t press effectively, rarely scores. He’s a complete waste of space.

    The same reason as mentioned before is why he’s still here. Nowhere else will come in for him.

    He’s also a very unlikeable person. One of many at this club.

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