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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I was all for this thread when it was about plane and helicopter watching or people coming up with mental but half plausible theories about what’s been going on.

    Is this forum to turn into a safe space for mentalists? Why not have a “plandemic” thread to go alongside the Covid one?

    Its not negative if it’s true. The same as it’s not positive if it’s lies. I’m not personally attacking anyone, I think you’re all a great bunch of lads, but someone has to bring a bit of realism into this whole topic.

    Yes I think the takeover will eventually happen but please don’t follow those charlatans, it’s akin to Tommy Robinson knowing his audience.

    Don’t give him the attention and he’ll stop lying about what he doesn’t know.

  2. 8 minutes ago, 1964 said:

    Given the background to the twitter hiatus,  I can see why holding off on a story at the current time is a good idea, when the footballing world is taking a stand against social media, the idea of putting something out that might send it into overdrive would be a PR own goal.  

    The thing is though, that social media blackout was announced weeks ago. He would have known that before he spouted off saying he was going to release something.

    We can come up with theories on what might be going on behind the scenes but let’s just stick to what we know..


    ”I have earth shattering news that I’ve given to a journalist to verify and check with legal”

    ”it should be released later in the week”

    ”I’m hoping it will be released later in the week”

    ”it might not be released later in the week”

    ”it might not be released at all”

    ”but that’s ok because it might mean something else which I can’t talk about”


    Its mental that we're even giving this chap the time of day.

    If this was about anything other than the takeover he’d be ridiculed by now.

  3. Benitez would be stupid to go there. Things are not good off the pitch which ultimately means they won’t be good on the pitch either.

    They are massively in debt. Huge constraints over improving the squad, can they even keep hold of their better players at this stage?

    That negativity seeps into the dressing room. There’s fuck all a manager can do about it when that rot sets in which I believe has started.

    Harry Kane wouldn’t want to waste much more time there.

    As for Mourinho, he needs to take a proper break from the game, maybe a year or two. He seems to have lost his way a bit. His next move is critical, a bit like Benitez really.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Candi_Hills said:

    Or he’s a bloke who’s spent a fortune and gets a bit excited when he’d be better off biting his tongue. He has something. Kennedy confirmed the story is ready to go when they get the nod. Will it be underwhelming? Maybe. Are they lying about having a story? Highly unlikely. 

    Just be patient, man. 

    A journalist lying? Well I never ?

    I don’t think he’s spent nearly as much as what people think he has and just because Medrad or NDM are clicking like on the tweets he’s mentioned them in does not mean he’s in cahoots with them.

    Christ, NDM has replied to one of mine, does that make me an oracle on all things takeover?

    Its like the life of Brian this whole Twitter nonsense except people are taking it seriously 

  5. 2 hours ago, Awaymag said:

    Not meaning to piss on anyone’s chips this morning.


    But then you do!


    You guys win,   I can't be arsed to argue about the meaning of a Positive thread any more.    Basically this place is now becoming like Twitter, people are just out to troll!


    I hope you are wrong and the takeover goes ahead but if it doesn't I will take solace that the same people here putting down anything to do with the takeover will be the 1st to complain about the state of the NUFC!

    Bunch of fuckwits!

    If you read the line directly after I said there was plenty to be positive about.

    I think lapping up this guys drivel does nobody any good. We just have to stick with the facts of it. There’s enough there to suggest that both sides are trying their best to make this happen. That’s enough for me. One day it’ll either happen or it won’t, we have no control over corruption. There’s obviously high stakes in this for someone to try and block this.

    The whole thing with Keith is that he’s basically saying trust me unequivocally. Why should we when he keeps moving the goal posts?

  6. So let me get this straight, he came across some massive evidence that he passed to a reporter, who was checking to see if he could go ahead with it? (As if that would stop a newspaper if the story was THAT juicy)

    He then backtracks and says if this earth shattering news doesn’t ever see the light of day it’s supposed to be a positive because it means something is happening in secret and we’ll never know either way whether it was real or not but we just have to believe and we’ll get what we desire?

    Sounds an awful lot like a religious cult.

    Not meaning to piss on anyone’s chips this morning. I think there’s plenty to be positive about that doesn’t involve this charlatan and his nonsense.

    If there’s a real story and evidence of something, put it out. Otherwise don’t mislead people.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

    All comes down to media pressure really, if the journos make it a massive story then it will have consequences for them. 

    If the journos shrug it off then it will all quietly go away. 

    If that’s the case then we all need to do our part and share the fuck out of it on Twitter and other social media. There’s enough other disgruntled football supporters from other clubs who might pick up on it too.

  8. The bomb that wins the war? He obviously thinks he’s stumbled upon something in his legal case that he thinks will be damaging to the PL.

    I remain sceptical, the PL have shown they don’t really mind being labelled as corrupt.

    Unless it’s something that gets everyone talking, like the Super League for example. If it’s only a small talking point on Twitter and a few newspapers, they can probably roll with the punches.

  9. I think we can all agree that news surrounding football since Sunday has been exhausting as well as riveting. I don’t think the appetite is there to go around the houses again on known info or guessing games on what we don’t.

    Its bubbling away under the surface and away from prying eyes. I’m far happier when we don’t have leaks or stupid stories from troll journos.

    The weekend will bring its own path, we lose to the dippers and it’ll be all doom and gloom until the next game, we get a point or 3 and we’re as good as safe. Takeover talk will soon resurface.

  10. 9 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

    Was she ITK about something happening that day? Maybe not but......

    Interesting take, it’s quite plausible she knew about this in advance, and if she knew then her Middle East contacts did too. Whether they used the info to any advantage or not is another thing.

  11. Newcastle are in a position now with some leverage. They could “not” vote for sanctions against the 6 in a quid pro quo situation. It’s a little underhanded but then the whole thing is so who cares if we can get what we want.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Wandy said:

    This shambles has strengthed our case in any legal battle, there cannot be any doubt about that.

    It has, in fact that it fell apart probably had more to do with the “big 6” lobbying other clubs to kick off about it as it did about BeIn or Qatar. There’s not a chance those clubs will be in a position to approach anyone in the near future.

    It would be a great time to push this through as there’s so much other more newsworthy stuff happening that all the negative press that would normally come our way could only be a fraction this time.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    Was it ever established which PL laws they actually broke?

    Although no team played a match in the super league, signing up for it must have broken a few rules. Plus bring the game into disrepute is always one to fall back on.

  14. I don’t buy for a minute that Klopp or any of those managers knew nothing about this beforehand.

    It doesn’t make the teams, ie management and players culpable but they will have to live with the reaction from this. If they don’t want to they can find new clubs.

    This won’t be forgotten for a long time.

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