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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. I was born on the banks of the Tyne in North Shields, if I spoke like Keith I’d be asking serious questions of my parentage. He’s got a few years and a few quid on me, but I’d happily buy him a pint in town for all the work he’s put into this.
  2. Quite obvious why Ashley is doing everything to get this deal through. Some good snippets on Castore deal aswell.
  3. True but if it’s causing issues for the PL board I’m all for it.
  4. Nice to see us leading on this.
  5. I think Jackie Broon makes a very good point in relation to the insurers on this. If disclosure is damning it may be out of their hands.
  6. Dead bird in my garden this morning, hopefully it’s a bad sign for bird & bird.
  7. It was excellent and he showed plenty of emotion aswell. The bloke cares no doubt about it. To suffer threats if he went to the city on Wednesday night, ridicule, financial costs and a relationship break up because of this is a massive sacrifice for anyone to make. We all deserve a happy ending to this, but i’ll certainly tip my hat to him for his contribution and dogged determination to make this happen when it’s all over.
  8. It was again discussed how Bird & Bird have a reputation of trying to obstruct actions with legal technicalities and very rarely end up in court. However, it was also mentioned that they also settle a lot out of court. They’re current tactics are certainly following this pattern. Let’s hope disclosure is the point they do give up and look to settle.
  9. Very good breakdown last night of how Bein letter for example will be used in court. The fact he was initially unable to establish whether clubs had actually received it, then he found out one club outside of big 6 had never received it. How a fan then gets evidence to show the big 6 and PL did receive it is impressive. The fact it is well known in football circles and journalists that Liverpool and Tottenham did then lobby PL, well it starts to become very clear how collective lobbying and collusion to stop a competitor entering the market has taken place. The only doubt Keith has on arbitration is Beloff, other than that he has complete faith in Shaheed Fatima proving separation. It might delay us longer but I have a feeling if judge gives go ahead to CAT case, then they delay arbitration for disclosure in that case to see if PL fold.
  10. You had him down as setting up his own merchandise range the other week. Don’t let the truth get in the way though.
  11. A clear picture of delay, delay and delay. We are told by Slater, Jacobs, Edwards and Fanny Breeze that the PL are confident and going to fight this all the way. It doesn’t look like the actions of a confident party to me. A delay of 2 weeks is nothing, we’ve waited over a fucking year. Keep the faith HTFL.
  12. An attempt to find out what there liabilities could be undoubtedly. As Jackie Broon has previously pointed out, this may yet come down to the PL’s insurers to decide whether this gets to court. And I completely agree there actions don’t tally with an organisation confident in their position. The PL have been through arbitration cases before, but they’ve never had to fight a court case like this from my recollection. The financial penalties are potentially massive for them, if the advice is it’s a 50/50 case will they take the risk or be allowed to.
  13. Yeah that’s the evidence submission, lets see what they’re next delaying tactic is though. They can try and get the CAT case thrown out, but even the Athletic conceded this morning that the case is far more encompassing than arbitration so don’t like there chances. The real question here is do the club want arbitration to go ahead before disclosure, as that may be their breaking point.
  14. Mr Justice Roth, who granted the extra time on behalf of the CAT, noted in his reasons for doing so: "As of present, it is not known whether the defendant will be granted the separate extensions of time which it is currently seeking from the arbitral tribunal but in any event, the extension which it is there seeking for disclosure is to 26 May, 2021, which is also its current deadline for filing its evidence.
  15. Are they though ? I’m just seeing delay, they’re even trying to delay arbitration. The same arbitration where it is supposedly clear cut in their favour according to some. Delay is not fighting, it is delaying.
  16. The consortium told them they would not be submitting the state as a director. I’d like to see them try and argue a timeline to the above. It’s clear as day it should have been rejected.
  17. Seems Scoot beat me to it. If you class fighting all the way as delaying I’ll give you that. Let’s just see where this ends up, I suspect not in court.
  18. The PL are keen for people to believe that they couldn’t make a decision, but the rule book is quite clear on this matter. They should have rejected it. The reason they didn’t reject it is because we would have been in court by now, and they weren’t confident enough in their position. I’ve read the post in question and we’ll see how it plays out in next few weeks. It’s all legal games at this point but I see nothing to be concerned with in relation to today’s developments.
  19. Ben Jacobs is on a par with Matt Slater fed by his PL source. The fact is one of the top 5 anti competition QC’s in the country believes we’d have won this case before club added any evidence. If the PL are so confident why did they not follow their own rule book and reject it. There that confident that they delay at every opportunity. Nothing has changed today apart from the PL have been given a couple of extra weeks. They can’t delay forever and if arbitration goes ahead in July, we could be under new ownership very soon.
  20. Very bizarre under his leadership PBP and the ESL has been attempted. Clandestine meetings with the top 6 the day before EPL board meetings have been widely reported. Relationships between the 6 clubs and the rest are at all time low. Rather than anything Masters did to prevent the ESL, it surely was down to fan and government pressure. The PL is now being threatened with an independent body to regulate it. I personally think Matt Slater is being spoon fed by the PL. Add to this ongoing cases brought by us and Man City and it’s clear Masters should be far from a position of strength.
  21. You would think so but would the PL even be bothered if they couldn’t link the piracy anymore ? It’s been pretty well established that human rights are not part of the test, so I think it’s debatable. All the PL’s favoured journalists like Matt Slater insist all roads lead to piracy.
  22. If WTO, legal cases we’re dropped and Bein reinstated, would it matter if they we’re separate or not ? There is nothing in PL rule book to say a state can’t own a football club.
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